How to make a Good AMV

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How to make a Good AMV

Post by Uchihanosasuke » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:42 am

How do i make a good AMV.........i am starter(beginer) in AMV's...
The only thing i want to make is a good amv........pls can anyone help....
I do make some vid's but they all r orst ones......
I feel ashamed to Upload a video.......Here or in youtube.
I have got the best software's like AE Cs4, Sony Vegas 7 And 10, Cinema 4D.
Still i cannot make a good amv.
PLS. Anyone Help me.
I am loosing my hopes.
Thanks in advance.

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Re: How to make a Good AMV

Post by Pwolf » Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:09 pm

depends on what you're doing that's not "good". Are you trying to be overly complex in your editing? Why are you using AE and Cinema4d? Go back to the basics. Keep it simple. Also what do you consider a "good" amv?

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Re: How to make a Good AMV

Post by Kairih » Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:06 pm

Don't lose hope! :) AMVs should be a fun first of all! Do you have fun while you're making them? Then you're fine. ^^
Good videos comes with practice! So have fun and do whatever makes you feel fine!

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Re: How to make a Good AMV

Post by TritioAFB » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:11 pm

First of all the software will not determine if the video is good or not.
Remain in your skills, not in your software. You may have the best softwares for the edition but that will not save you.

But don't lose the hope, I mean, anybody here in the org can assure that their first videos were so-so. Practicing is the clue to get a good amv
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Re: How to make a Good AMV

Post by HalOfBorg » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:14 pm

Make AMVs that YOU like - if you don't like them, who cares about anyone else?
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Re: How to make a Good AMV

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:37 pm

Assuming you want actual help and not needless affirmations of your self worth, You need to ask yourself a few questions:

1) Do you know what you want to make?
- Can you concisely explain it?
- What's the concept? Who are the characters? What's the setting? Is there a message? Are you trying to evoke some sort of emotion?
2) Do you understand how to use your software?
- Yes? Are you sure?
- No? Then play around for a bit and get comfortable with it before you dive into making a video.
3) Have you story-boarded? Even a simple outline in a text file is better than nothing. Lay out your idea for the video in simple terms from beginning to end. If you find you can't do this, then maybe you need to go back to step 1. If you don't know HOW to accomplish what you want to do, go back to step 2. There are tons of resources for being stuck at step 2. Most people don't realize they're stuck at step 1 though.

How you are able to approach step 1 really defines who you are as an editor. It defines the nebulous concept of "talent." If being able to answer Step 1's questions is difficult or tedious, you're lacking in inspiration at the moment. If you can readily create ideas that pass step 1, the next step is to practice. Set mildly challenging goals for yourself and devote time to accomplishing them. You're not going to improve if you spend little to no time practicing.
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Re: How to make a Good AMV

Post by zibbazabba905 » Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:00 pm

I saw a video that did everything "wrong" and yet I still really liked the video!

Try not to get too obsessed in the technical stuff or you will never actually finish a project
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How to make a Good AMV

Post by TEKnician » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:42 pm

Echoing Bashar, play around with the editing tools and filters/effects on some stock footage first to open your mind to what you have at your disposal. After that, start off with an easy idea, preferably something comical that isn't too upbeat.

A basic skill would be syncing an action to the beat of the song. You can have a "bleh" concept but really good cuts. However, you can have a good idea in your head, but totally shot to hell if the clips are all over the place.

When you hear a song, put it on repeat and think of the first anime that pops into your head. When you got one, keep listening to the song and reflect on all the scenes you remember from the anime and try to envision them being played at the same time as your song.

Try to have a focus. Using multiple anime on your first video can be hard. Tell us a story. It doesn't have to be a long, intricate movie, but at least show us "why are these swordsman fighting?" or "how did these two lovers fall in love?"
Almost as hard as fighting a Holy Paladin.

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Re: How to make a Good AMV

Post by Nya-chan Production » Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:05 am

There are no good AMVs ;___;

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Re: How to make a Good AMV

Post by Uchihanosasuke » Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:45 am

Thanx all these tips will be helpful :D


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