is pissing me off

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Org Profile is pissing me off

Post by tuxedomarty » Tue May 08, 2012 8:29 pm

They keep removing my videos after a certain amount of days because of "inactivity" and not getting enough views, and that's complete BS! And I can't find any decent video hosting site other than YouTube to use for my indirect links to my videos that doesn't block videos because of copyright nonsense.
I can't stand weeaboos and people who keep badmouthing dubbed anime and say it sucks.

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Re: is pissing me off

Post by Pwolf » Tue May 08, 2012 9:20 pm

Why don't you just upload them here?

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Re: is pissing me off

Post by tuxedomarty » Wed May 09, 2012 12:42 am

Don't ask....
I can't stand weeaboos and people who keep badmouthing dubbed anime and say it sucks.

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Re: is pissing me off

Post by Nya-chan Production » Wed May 09, 2012 12:44 am

Well, he kinda did ^^;;

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Re: is pissing me off

Post by Otohiko » Wed May 09, 2012 12:47 am

No, really, this is a website that hosts AMVs, and rather reliably. If you're having trouble uploading to this site, you should post in Site Help, I'm sure that can be figured out. If you're looking for hosting for non-AMVs, or just complaining about a totally unrelated site, this really isn't the place for this.
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Re: is pissing me off

Post by gotegenks » Wed May 09, 2012 2:21 pm

you can't really compare this site to something like youtube. Youtube and others gets you constant exposure while this site gives you a single burst of exposure and that's only if you announce it.

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Re: is pissing me off

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed May 09, 2012 2:25 pm

gotegenks wrote:you can't really compare this site to something like youtube. Youtube and others gets you constant exposure while this site gives you a single burst of exposure and that's only if you announce it.
Well, that's fine because they "edit for themselves" anyways, rite? :awesome:
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Re: is pissing me off

Post by JudgeHolden » Wed May 09, 2012 3:03 pm

gotegenks wrote:you can't really compare this site to something like youtube. Youtube and others gets you constant exposure while this site gives you a single burst of exposure and that's only if you announce it.
I get exposure because of this site... People come here, download my video, then go to youtube and post on a channel that is (often times) far more popular than my own. |:>

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Re: is pissing me off

Post by AceD » Wed May 09, 2012 3:16 pm

gotegenks wrote:you can't really compare this site to something like youtube. Youtube and others gets you constant exposure while this site gives you a single burst of exposure and that's only if you announce it.
Well that's subject to how good the video is, posting it here will help other websites see it, which in turn means it will get posted up in other communities around the world...embedded on websites...and so forth.
If you only post on youtube that isn't likely to happen unless you have a big channel to back it up

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Re: is pissing me off

Post by Radical_Yue » Wed May 09, 2012 3:28 pm

The org for local hosting (seriously the best website for AMVs ever) or get your own private hosting for indirect/direct through sites like host gator or something. Of course, private hosting costs money while the org is free~ But that's up to you.

gotegenks wrote:you can't really compare this site to something like youtube. Youtube and others gets you constant exposure while this site gives you a single burst of exposure and that's only if you announce it.

Because the #1 goal of making AMVs is exposure and whoring yourself out. My bad, I forgot that part. God knows I NEED those subscribers who just spent the past hour watching videos of people getting kicked in the nuts and cat videos.


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