Expressions in AMV

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Expressions in AMV

Post by TritioAFB » Mon May 28, 2012 11:52 pm

I'll like to ask about the expressions we use when talking about amvs. For example I use the expressions Flow and Tempo for referring to the way a video blends its anime and how the synch cohelps the mood intended for a video, respectively.

Do you have any expression to refer to something into an AMV? :awesome:
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Re: Expressions in AMV

Post by zibbazabba905 » Mon May 28, 2012 11:57 pm

I just mentioned in a review that I think something should be a scene that goes from "a high to a slow" as if that makes sense to anyone else but me
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Expressions in AMV

Post by TEKnician » Tue May 29, 2012 2:41 am

Whenever I say "sync to the beat" I mean start a clip or action on a drum hit or bass hit sound.

Sometimes that can be misinterpreted.
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Re: Expressions in AMV

Post by lloyd9988 » Tue May 29, 2012 6:50 am

My AMVs aren't that great (Obviously) but, by expressions, I thought you meant something like Facial Expressions or Hand Gestures that synch with the mood of the beat or the song. Lol, something I try out as often as possible but not what people look for in this I guess. :sweat:

Anyway, I usually work first with beat synch, then go back to flow, beat synch then back to flow, beat synch then back to flow etc. etc. until I am somewhat satisfied with the results. xD As long as I got the right scenes in place, everything else can be taken care of later in After Effects or by beta testers.

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Re: Expressions in AMV

Post by EvaFan » Tue May 29, 2012 12:06 pm

Since your not natively english I'm going to guess you mean techniques or tools or something. Expression isn't quite the word your looking for if your bringing up things like tempo and flow.

If your talking about techniques then I usually use atmosphere, lyrical sync, and internal sync pretty strongly in my amvs to get that blend between song/anime for the amv but this isn't always the case. It changes alot for action and dance vids but I rarely edit those in comparison to fun/romance/drama. To be honest I dont focus much on flow while editing. I may watch the amv after its completed and think that a spot seems to slow or too fast but its not a point for emphasis to me.

If your talking about expressions (self-expression this being the only real reason I would consider amvs an artform) I try to really drive emotions out with my videos, usually reason why most of them are either very light hearted fun/silly or meaningfully drama/romance based. Part of self-expression is the song and anime choice from the get go, not all of us just think, well this song would work really well with this anime or it would be silly/funny to put this song to this anime. Some of us think like: "I want to show visually what I feel while listening to this song with this anime or bring out what the song means to me" or "This anime really sets the stage for this song" and people who view it can usually tell that you did it for more than just thinking it would be fun. I don't want to seem like I'm pimping so I'll spoiler tag my own example:
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Re: Expressions in AMV

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Tue May 29, 2012 12:56 pm

EvaFan wrote:Since your not natively english I'm going to guess you mean techniques or tools or something. Expression isn't quite the word your looking for if your bringing up things like tempo and flow.
Actually, I think "terminology" was what he was going for. Editor's go-to phrases for describing videos and the things you do in them.

I find it humorously ironic given the confusion. :asd:
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Re: Expressions in AMV

Post by EvaFan » Tue May 29, 2012 1:07 pm

That makes sense though I coulda sworn there was an editing terminology thread not long ago, bleh.
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Re: Expressions in AMV

Post by Arigatomina » Tue May 29, 2012 3:11 pm

I thought the thread might be about facial expressions from the title. I think "terms" or "phrases" would be a better choice of words. ^^;

I find myself having to explain "in-clip action sync" a lot. I never used to have to explain what I meant by that. I think that editing technique might be dying out, at least in action vids. By "in-clip sync", I mean having an eye blink in time with the beat, or using a clip of someone fighting and having the punches land with the beats - in comparison to cutting to a new clip for every beat, which I just call "beat sync".

Another vague phrase I have to explain a lot is what I mean by "lyrical sync" versus "literal lyric sync". With lyrical sync, I mean when people treat the lyrics the same way they do the instruments, cutting and editing to the *sound* of the sung words. While "literal" lyric sinc refers to choosing scenes to fit the meaning of the words. I always look for lyrical sync, especially when there's a complete absence of literal sync - foreign songs with scenes matched to the sound, mood, and feel of the words rather than the meaning. If there's a better term for editing as if the vocals were instruments, I'd love to know what it is. Not all lyric sync is literal (for good reason), so "literal lyric sync" isn't a very good way to distinguish editing to the meaning rather than the sound.

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Re: Expressions in AMV

Post by Ileia » Tue May 29, 2012 3:32 pm

Arigatomina wrote:I find myself having to explain "in-clip action sync" a lot. I never used to have to explain what I meant by that. I think that editing technique might be dying out, at least in action vids. By "in-clip sync", I mean having an eye blink in time with the beat, or using a clip of someone fighting and having the punches land with the beats - in comparison to cutting to a new clip for every beat, which I just call "beat sync".
I call that internal sync. It seems to be the acceptable name for it, I rarely have to explain what I mean.
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Re: Expressions in AMV

Post by Niotex » Tue May 29, 2012 4:43 pm




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