Man, I think you just described my entire commute today... and every day.Pwolf wrote:Truth

Man, I think you just described my entire commute today... and every day.Pwolf wrote:Truth
As a great philosopher once said, "Bitches ain't shit but hos and tricks."Taite wrote:I really hate pussy selfish annoying immature bitch ass people.
Sukunai, Real Canadian Hero wrote:Note to any Muslims present. Abuse a female in my presence, and you are being sent to a hospital emergency ward with life threatening injuries. And no human law will make me change my mind.
No no, i mean people who gossip and spread rumors about YOU and exaggerate the truth. You can't seriously tell me that shit happens HERE TOO?HaarTheDragonlord wrote:That's highly debatable.
Yeah, I was talking about the 70% thing. The number might be a bit higher than that, but I can't really say for sure.TEKnician wrote:No no, i mean people who gossip and spread rumors about YOU and exaggerate the truth. You can't seriously tell me that shit happens HERE TOO?HaarTheDragonlord wrote:That's highly debatable.
Or are you debating the 70%? In which case, yeah.
I'll do this intentionally if someone's riding my ass all the way to that point. If I'm doing 10 over the speed limit, there's no reason for you to be practically right on my bumper. Usually when I'm going 10 over and that happens, I'll slow down and do the exact speed limit. That usually pisses them right off.EvaFan wrote:On the topic of cars and drivers, I hate it when someone practically comes to a complete stop to make a right turn on a green or just in general into a shopping district or anywhere without a stopsign. To add insult to injury they take the turn really, REALLY slow, as if they want you to bump their ass for insurance money.