Little Things You Hate

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by meleechampion » Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:16 am


If I can sleep at all, the dream, no matter the setting (tonight was a ski lodge small town, I've never been to such a place), somehow will end up with a series of events that culminate in a happily ever after, got back with the (now literal) girl of your dreams, yay "enjoying yourself?" asks the brain... but then the world gets dark... Literally and figuratively. Things start to seem off little by little, the music changes to creepy as everything is revealed to be a lie, a world of impostors... disfigured creatures pretending to be people I know and love. I get mad, I start wrecking the place, the camera on this third person awareness zooms out and just a flurry of dread-fueled anger just let's itself out upon the constructs of my tormented imagination. I thrash until I wake up, not thrashing... unless you count the beating of my heart.

Congratulations. You've slept a whole three hours. You don't have to get up for another five.

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Pwolf » Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:56 pm

I hate it when someone IMs, txts, or e-mails me saying something along the lines of, "What happened to so and so?!" Assuming I know what happened and then doesn't reply to me when I ask "what do you mean?"

Now I get to worryingly wait for some potentially bad news :\

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Pwolf » Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:33 pm

Pwolf wrote:I hate it when someone IMs, txts, or e-mails me saying something along the lines of, "What happened to so and so?!" Assuming I know what happened and then doesn't reply to me when I ask "what do you mean?"

Now I get to worryingly wait for some potentially bad news :\
Said person then replies "facebook" as if that's the go to place to get all the info on everything happening in the world :| COMMUNICATE PEOPLE!

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by ngsilver » Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:41 pm

Pwolf wrote:
Pwolf wrote:I hate it when someone IMs, txts, or e-mails me saying something along the lines of, "What happened to so and so?!" Assuming I know what happened and then doesn't reply to me when I ask "what do you mean?"

Now I get to worryingly wait for some potentially bad news :\
Said person then replies "facebook" as if that's the go to place to get all the info on everything happening in the world :| COMMUNICATE PEOPLE!
That people don't ever want to talk anymore. Now everything is either txt message or facebook. And apparently because I don't believe in this superficial 'connecting' that Facebook facilitates I'm the horrible person who has lost touch with people because that's the only way they know how to communicate?

What happened to talking on the phone? Or gathering in person and chatting over a movie, game, food and drinks? Seriously, I feel more connected with my co-workers then most of my 'friends' anymore because at least I get to see them, talk to them, and often times join them for drinks and what not.

I just don't see the 'social' in 'social media'

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Mkid » Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:43 am

Spiders(I was gonna post a picture but im in the dark and i cant even bother looking at pictures of them) :|
i have serious arachnophobia

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Little things you hate?

Post by TEKnician » Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:46 am

Mkid wrote:Spiders(I was gonna post a picture but im in the dark and i cant even bother looking at pictures of them) :|
i have serious arachnophobia
what about tiny spiders? Like the 1/4 inch sized ones? Kill a few of those and you'll feel pretty good.
Almost as hard as fighting a Holy Paladin.

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by inthesto » Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:05 am

Sukunai, Real Canadian Hero wrote:Note to any Muslims present. Abuse a female in my presence, and you are being sent to a hospital emergency ward with life threatening injuries. And no human law will make me change my mind.

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Radical_Yue » Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:08 am

Pwolf wrote:
Pwolf wrote:I hate it when someone IMs, txts, or e-mails me saying something along the lines of, "What happened to so and so?!" Assuming I know what happened and then doesn't reply to me when I ask "what do you mean?"

Now I get to worryingly wait for some potentially bad news :\
Said person then replies "facebook" as if that's the go to place to get all the info on everything happening in the world :| COMMUNICATE PEOPLE!

I see Facebook as a way to keep up with very basic things that others are involved in and have some wacky comment posting times. Beyond that, it's a fucking terrible primary means of communication.

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by inthesto » Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:13 am

Yeah, I just use facebook to leave messages with people who aren't available at a given time.

In related news, I don't know how to text.
Sukunai, Real Canadian Hero wrote:Note to any Muslims present. Abuse a female in my presence, and you are being sent to a hospital emergency ward with life threatening injuries. And no human law will make me change my mind.

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Otohiko » Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:36 pm

TEKnician wrote:
Mkid wrote:Spiders(I was gonna post a picture but im in the dark and i cant even bother looking at pictures of them) :|
i have serious arachnophobia
what about tiny spiders? Like the 1/4 inch sized ones? Kill a few of those and you'll feel pretty good.
I've not been arachnophobic for a long time now (lived in several really spider-infested places in a row), but last couple of days I feel like they've been working really hard to test my limits. The other night I was gaming on my PC, and a 1-inch (diameter, i.e. half-inch legs) one crawls up right on the keyboard, super-fast too. I had my fingers on the usual WASD+Space keys, that guy basically stopped on G and H. I was like "GTFO! :I"
Last night again, just before I'm about to go to bed, a medium-sized fat-bellied one gets in my room and starts hiding behind some of the papers posted on my wall. I had to work pretty hard to kill that one, really made me a bit nervous (since I occasionally remove those papers from the wall).

Last year one also made a nest in my curtain while I was away for a couple of weeks :/

Still don't hate spiders, but I wish I could more easily keep them out of my room... Ironically, I think my air conditioning attracts them more than anything - hot nights are the worst for that.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…

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