Disclaimer: These interviews are not associated with A-M-V.org or its administration. The Lip Flapper utilizes a great amount of dancing in the creation of its pieces. Please do not stare directly into the bad dancing. IT WILL BLIND YOU.
Welcome to the Lip Flapper! Each week, we delve deep into the community and get a look into both individual members as well as group discussions on various issues that surround our hobby.
This Week in "The Lip Flapper"

Comic courtesy of Summer, AKA GuntherAMVs.
Interview Spotlight
Radical_Yue is a long time member of a-m-v.org, who is currently hosting "The Quickening" tournament on behalf of AnimeMusicVideos.org. She's had very solid work in the past, such as Radiance, Dreamer, and Pierce the Heavens. She's also one of the forum moderators for a-m-v.org.
The Interview
Heyo~! I'm Radical_Yue. My real name is Younique but just about everyone calls me Yue. I just turned 22 on June 5th, I live in Colorado with Kisanzi but I'm originally a Cali girl. I've been editing since I was about 14 and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I am the flamer with a heart of gold.Q: Thanks for joining me today! Why don't we get started and have you introduce yourself to our audience and tell us a little about yourself?

Here comes a long story...Q: Thanks for joining me today Yue. Let's start off and find out how you came to be involved in the AMV World?
Well, it all started waaaay back when I was in middle school. I was a major DBZ fan, still am actually, and a couple of the kids I knew had this disc filled with DBZ AMVs. Two of the videos were actually MeriC's "Heart of Sword" and Dark Kamui's "Vegeta", so at least I started off with some quality videos.

A couple months later I was on the Neopets forum (yes, I used to avidly play Neopets as a kid >_>;) when I saw some guy posting about his AMVs. I asked him if he'd do a request for me which became this video. I didn't put a lot of thought into it beyond "I like this song and I love this anime" so I still feel bad for putting the poor guy through it and having to work with that combo.

While he was working on the video, we were exchanging emails back and forth when I basically asked "how does i makez amvz?" and he pointed me towards Windows Movie Maker and Kazaa. Being such a hardcore pirate on dial up, Kazaa didn't really work out too well for me so I ended up searching the internet for "*insert anime name* clips" and then getting bits and pieces of fansubs from other dvds that were circling through the group I hung out with.
I thought subtitles were a good thing and was proud of the fact that I could make any video in under 6 hours on my amazing little laptop with a whole 128mb of ram.
I was not a very smart child.
But yeah, that's how it all started. I would crank out videos one after another after another, all them just as bad as the last. Eventually JaddziaDax took me under her wing, I got on Sony Vegas, I attended my first convention (Acen) in May 2008, was invited into CDVV a while later and haven't stopped since then.
It was actually Kisanzi who showed me the original Quickening videos.Q: Currently, you're coordinating "The Quickening" on behalf of a-m-v.org. What made you want to do this kind of contest, and how's it going? Can we expect future "Quickenings"?
Last year while Project Org Editor was going on, he was kind of curious as to what other communities/countries do for contests and found The Quickening. I really loved a lot of the videos that were created, especially Luna's "Holiday Romance." I still remember sitting there with Kisanzi, watching that video and saying "What is off about this video...what is wrong with it...HOLY CRAP THEY ROTO'D THIS ENTIRE PART O:"
I knew right away that I wanted to see what our community could do with the same rules and time constraints. I also really hoped that a lot of the original participants from the French Quickening would join ours since their competition never finished.
So yeah, even before I became a mod in February, I was planning out the rules and how I'd run the contest. So far, I think it's going rather well and I'd love to do it again next year. I think that having contests and ways for our members to have fun is freakin' awesome. I really respect AMVFrance and AMVNews.ru for the constant stream of contests and events they have for their members. I believe it shows a love and dedication to your userbase that I want the org to show too.
Honestly, I think so far, so good. I'm open to suggestions though.Q: Anything about the contest in general that you think might require altering in the future, or has it been fairly successful thus far?
I've currently got several other contest ideas floating around. As a mod and a representative for A-M-V.org, I would love to always have some kind of contest or event going on. It creates a great opportunity for editors who haven't been involved in our community before to jump in and meet new people. Plus we can get some pretty cool videos in the process!

Haha, you're the second person to describe my videos as "shiny" and it still kinda confuses me. When I think shiny I think of Mamo! but anywhoooo~Q: You make very shiny videos (Radience, Dreamer and several of your OrgEditor Season 2 videos), and seem to have a lot of fun with altering/adding colors and particles. Any particular reason you enjoy this kind of thing, and care to share how you go about implementing it in your AMVs?
I think it's a mix of two different things, my love for color and mega love of stylized footage.
Stylizing your footage with just a bit of color, particles, textures, borders, whatever it may be is incredibly simple but can add so much more. It can make your footage look more magical or more desolate, it can give it just that little extra push to make the footage connect with the audio.
Whether it's newer or older footage, I think a little bit of stylizing is a powerful tool. It can help set your video apart from the masses of other videos with the same idea and same sources.
Like any other effect, I do believe that it should only be used if it makes sense. Using effects for the sake of effects is a terrible idea and people that just throw things on "because they can" should be kicked in the face multiple times. You hear me people who use blur zooms and random panning just because you can?! You're giving all editors who like to use effects a bad name! Stop it or I'll come to your house, make a mess and steal all of your pots and pans!
Well, I'm one of those editors that stick to the sources they love.Q: Speaking of your editing, care to yet us in on your editing process?
I usually latch on to certain characters (hence why a lot of my videos are character profiles) and try to search out songs that fit their personality, story, or even their mental state.
Occasionally I'll stumble across a song where I get a pretty clear picture of how a video should look and what kind of vibes it should give off. Then I search out a series that I think may fit it and watch it.
If I enjoy it, I'll give the idea a shot, if I don't like the series, I shelve the song until I can find something that'll do it justice.
I won't deny that I've tried to force a song/anime combo before just because I think it'll look cool, but my heart just isn't in it and it ends up being a horrible scraped monster.
Beyond that, I like to edit very simple stuff with effects being minimal. I'm a raw editor that endorses effects.

Well, my main problem is that everyone seems to have youtube syndrome.Q: You've had some discussions in the past regarding how videos are reviewed/critiqued. Care to share your philosophy with us and explain a little bit about it?
Everyone is awesome and no one makes anything bad and any problems the video has are sooooooo tiny you can barely notice them! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! And if someone doesn't understand your concept you need to make them understand because they obviously didn't get your creative brilliance the first time they watched it because they're a big doody head, but that's ok since once they're done reading your novel on why your video is good, they'll understand and love it too! Quickly! Flag all the meanie comments because they're just horrible flaming trolls and their opinions are stupid!
I'm not saying that youtube is bad or anything, but from all my past experiences you say anything that isn't praising the video like it just saved your baby from a fire and gave you a million dollars, and you've got a swarm of angry commenters and occasionally the actual editor of the video, chewing you out.
I'm sorry, but I miss the old days. It wasn't too long ago that your average announcement post would get thousands of views, not hundreds if they're lucky like nowadays. Opinions on videos have always been hard to get but people actually used to leave them before QCs came along.
I'm all for making what you want. I 120% back that ideal. I believe that every video should be given an equal chance to be good and I don't believe in source discrimination.
But why are you editing? Is it because you want to shine a light on sources you love? Or maybe because you just love editing for the sake of editing? Either way, why wouldn't you want to get better at it? Why wouldn't you want to honor your favorite hobby by pouring your heart and soul into what you make so it's the best video you're capable of?
I think one of the reasons I feel so strongly about it is because all of the mistakes and problems I point out, I've made them at one time or another but I could have easily avoided them if people actually gave it to me straight.
I remember making Unwritten and Scoob messaging me saying "Don't they look a little tall to you? >.>"
At the time I didn't really know about aspect ratios, so my response was "lol, it's Utena. They always look tall."
Then godix went off on me about ARs and I learned. It was something so simple that I had missed for so long, it honestly made me feel incredibly stupid.
And things like that kept popping up. Orphan frames I missed, bad effects work, terrible audio cuts, etc... I just kinda sat there confused as to why no one pointed them out to me. I wasn't angry at any of my beta testers since all they'd say is "I like it! Finish it!" but I was angry at myself for not catching it and only seeing it once someone pointed it out on the forum. I appreciated my beta testers but the negative feedback on the forum taught me not to do it again. I learned and grew from that.
Then one day I logged onto the forum, watched a couple videos with glaringly obvious problems, looked at the comments and saw nothing but "ZOMG BEST EVAR!"
I was shocked. What happened to the org? There were so many things that were easy fixes. These editors had great concepts but didn't really seem to know how to execute them...but all of these people were just feeding the ignorance.
It made me really sad and really angry at the same time. I could have never come as far as I have without people being like "HEY! THAT'S INTERLACED! FIX IT."
Does that mean I think everyone should become mega-critic? Hell no, that would be a mess. You still need those confidence boosters here and there, but if you want to progress you need to accept the negative feedback and turn it into fuel. Even if you disagree with what the person said, instead of looking at them like they're an idiot who is just angry at the world, why not turn that around into an "I'll show them!" attitude to make an amazing video?

And if you're one of those people that say "I edit for fun and don't want to get any better" then that's great for you. But if I catch you chewing out someone who gave you criticism while you throw that excuse in their face, I'll have to set you on fire. If you honestly don't care, those posts, those opinions, should be easy to ignore.
It should be like an instruction manual.
"If you wish to better your abilities, please read post 1 - X."
"If you wish to edit for fun and honestly don't care what anyone says, please read post 1 - 3 and skip 4 -6."
The critics will always be the minority, I just wish it wasn't such a small minority. There are so many editors with such brilliant ideas, it would be phenomenal to see them improve and edit with the best of their abilities.
I take the extra time to criticize and to pick apart videos, not because I hate them, but because I think that the editor and the video are worth the time. I think they have potential. I want them to get better. A video doesn't need to be perfect to be good, far from it in fact. But why not try as hard as you can to get it as close to perfect as possible?
I "flame" because I love not because I hate.
Honestly, I'm just a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Invader Zim fan. I've watched all the episodes a million times and I've always adored Gir the most. I'm a big fan of "lolwaitwtf?" humor and Gir is a master at it. I've had it for so long, people occasionally yell at me if I switch my avatar during holidays since they're so used to just looking at my avatar to identify it's me. I've got Gir icons on just about everything...facebook, skype, AIM, you name it .Q: Please indulge me for a moment, my curiosity has always wanted me to ask this. Care to explain a bit bout the dancing Gir avatar you've had since forever? Any history behind the adorable dancing?
Gir = Love

Honestly, I just miss so many people. So many good friends that aren't active anymore or have left this world for the next. You don't really think about it a whole lot at first, I mean, they're just "internet friends" and before you realize it they've become so much more.Q: You've been a pretty long time member of a-m-v.org. Care to tell us a little bit about how it fares today in comparison to the earlier days?
I miss the friendships. I miss the rivalry! Koopiskeva used to tell me about how people would send him messages and say "you are now my rival! I'm going to work as hard as I can and never stop until I beat you!" Or the amazingly hilarious Rookie of the Year battles between FallChild_42 and Kisanzi!
There are a lot of great new editors and I make new friends every day, but that fire, that spirit, it's just not the same.
Now you post "Dewelopers! Dewelopers! Dewelopers! Dewelopers!" and you just get weird looks. It makes me really sad inside that these newer editors will never be able to experience the pure bliss that I was able to feel. Running around Chicago with Koopiskeva, AtomX (Brad) and the crew, having 15 people all shoved in a tiny hotel con room, making out with someone that is your same gender because Ileia implemented the kissing rule while playing Circle of Death, Nancy's jaeger, jumping in a hotel swimming pool at midnight with a bunch of other editors then having an amazing security guard give you 15 minutes to have fun even though the pool closed hours ago, watching one of your friends videos at con when the audio messes up and all of you sing along without any music at all, these are the the memories and things I miss.
The org changed my life. I used to live in a home where I was physically and mentally abused with no one to support me at all. Now I have a stable job, a Fancy Nancy boyfriend, a place of my own to call home, and amazing friends. We're all still close and I'm still really happy, but I do miss the old days.
Maybe I'm just getting old? Maybe I just need to move on... Sorry, I guess it's all just a bunch of sappy self-indulgence.

Everyone has unlimited potential. Don't limit yourself by saying "this is good enough." Being a finalist or winning contests doesn't make you a good editor. Having the newest editing program doesn't make you a good editor. Working with the most popular or best looking sources doesn't make you a good editor.Q: Thanks for joining me today. Can we end things off here and have you give some advice to newcomers to the site, or just a piece of advice in general?
Passion, dedication, and a love for what you do will help you succeed. Take all of those negative remarks and bad experiences, and build upon them, use them to become better than you ever thought you could be. Never lash out when you get the short end of the stick, take it with dignity and grace. It'll make your victories that much sweeter.
No matter how many times you fail or don't make it into a contest, or get bad feedback, as long as you manage to progress at least a little bit with each video, one day you'll be better than everyone who became great and chose to stop. No matter who you are, there is always room for improvement.
Next week on "The Lip Flapper"
We're going to be talking to a very elite wad of meat. See what I did there? [It's l33tmeatwad, gah, why do I even try to be funny.