Gonna start tomorrow evening after my last exam... but it'll be bad /o/
Please forgive memkid wrote:well. busy week(Prom,Graduation,Algebra 2/Trig State Exam, Chemistry State exam, work[not really but i guess 11 hours out of the week count]) so please pardon me if i don't hand in a video, dont take it as a sign of lazy ness just bad timing..but ill try my best to send a video in... a well made video of course.dont wanna tarnish the Mkid Rep for being the best damn youtube editor there ever was just to hand in a video
That's a million bucks you owe me!!!Mkid wrote:I sent this too yue before the dead line... but i couldnt make a video guys sorry D:
Please forgive memkid wrote:well. busy week(Prom,Graduation,Algebra 2/Trig State Exam, Chemistry State exam, work[not really but i guess 11 hours out of the week count]) so please pardon me if i don't hand in a video, dont take it as a sign of lazy ness just bad timing..but ill try my best to send a video in... a well made video of course.dont wanna tarnish the Mkid Rep for being the best damn youtube editor there ever was just to hand in a videoi would never not make a video for a competition that i signed up for