AMV Song Check

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Re: AMV Song Check

Post by Phantasmagoriat » Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:21 pm

@gotegenks: yeah, I remember the good ol' days when videos with bad editing still left a shining impression on me. It's hard to go back to those times, but sometimes it can happen; where a video just has so much heart that you can't help but ignore all the imperfections.

But back on topic >.> :ying:

There have actually been studies showing that numeric ratings do more damage than good.
I can't remember the exact study off the top of my head, but it went like this:
  • Three sets of students took a test:
    • -Group A was given numeric grades and comments/feedback
      -Group B was given numeric grades only
      -Group C was given comments/feedback only
    In future tests:
    • -Group A showed no improvement
      -Group B showed no improvement
      -Group C showed strong improvement
So, to sum up: Ratings are dumb, because people just look for the numbers, and ignore any comments/feedback provided.
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Re: AMV Song Check

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:20 pm

What if the ratings weren't created for the creator's benefit? What if they were for the general community's benefit - so they'd know which videos were collectively agreed upon as worth their time and bandwidth to bother watching? :amv:
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Re: AMV Song Check

Post by Phantasmagoriat » Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:20 pm

Ha! someone pointed it out!

I realize that's a pretty big flaw in the idea, but at the same time I think it's possible to create a comment/karma system that helps both the creator and viewer. Yes, it would involve upvotes for videos/comments, but if someone leaves a comment on a video, and people agree with the comment, that person's comment all of the sudden becomes worth more; which helps viewers find videos that are worth watching. And the more people leave comments, the more people actually discuss a video, so the more everyone gets to the actual truth about said video; which helps the editor. The only thing I'm not sure about is making the upvotes publicly known.

But as a viewer, I would rather have suggestions offered to me than a rating lists to browse through. Because if I have a rating list --and a lot of the ones at the top suck-- it deters me from watching the rest. If I simply have suggestions offered to me without ratings, I end up spending more time actually watching videos, and coming up with my own judgement, instead of deciding which video I should watch next, and being swayed by the popular vote (in the positive or negative direction :uhoh: )... which leads to being jaded, and never taking a chance to watch another AMV again. And if I still can't find anything I like, it's time to take the next steps: leaving a comment, or making my own videos. That way, I still have power in the system; instead of letting the system tell me what I like/should like.

So, comments and anonymous karma (upvotes) seem like the way to go IMO.
But hey... isn't that similar to a certain popular website? I can't quite put my finger on it...
Naww... it's not like they would have put any thought into their rating system...

(sorry, I don't mean to be sarcastic, but I don't think anyone should feel bad about copying a good system; although implementing said system is another issue.)

So, back to your original question Bashar: I agree that we need a system for finding good video; but I don't think we need to rely on numeric ratings.
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Re: AMV Song Check

Post by Hagaren Viper » Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:40 am

Gote, does this happen to be the KH Phenomenon vid you saw?

I remember first running into this one...good times.

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Re: AMV Song Check

Post by gotegenks » Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:06 am

no it wasn't, but that ones kinda cool lol, although this was either a huge rip of, or hugely ripped by the video i'm thinking of. inclined to think the former as the one i'm thinking of was made by the closest thing to a legend the kh community had (pwilliard in case you've heard of him), and not that he was that amazing but he was SUPER freaking popular and everyone knew and looked up to him as an editor. it has like all the same effects and similar scene selection to it...

i'm really inclined to go on an all-day expedition to try and find it now...


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