Phantasmagoriat wrote:Surprise is the thing that leads to something being Good.
Good is the end result. Surprise is how you got there.
So in order for a video to be good, it must have something that leads it to being good.
That's not saying anything.
What does good mean? And what is this something that leads things to being good? Surprise is anything good that leads to good? How do you know it's good or leading to good if you don't know what good is?
Then if you figure out the things that lead to Surprise, you can continue backwards to see how it all worked.
If you figure out the things that lead to something that leads something to being good, you can continue backwards to see how it all worked out.
That's not saying anything, either.
What is this something that leads something to being good? If we don't know what it is, how can we figure out what led it to leading something else to being good? And what is good?
If your goal is to create a list of things that make something good, then just do it. You've done it in other threads. Lots of people do it all the time.
Things I like.
Things I like are:
It had something I didn't expect that I was happy to get.
It had a personal impact on me.
The charm doesn't wear off on repeated viewings.
How do we get those aspects that lead the vid to being good?
Throw in something unexpected, impress people who thought you were mediocre, exceed expectations in a positive way.
Know your audience and give them things they'll like.
Aim to be the epitome of that genre so that your vid remains the one vid people keep coming back to, have a catchy song that will become addictive, use a joke that simply never gets old.
When you narrow the definition of each aspect, you can make a hierarchy and discuss the various aspects of that hierarchy. When you're stuck on the good that leads to good, and what possible good might lead that good to leading something to being good, then you'll always circle back to what good means. Until you define good, by breaking down all the aspects that make it good, then defining other things as good is saying nothing. Because we don't know what good means.
I'm at meh now. Even if I were willing to redefine "surprise" to include things that don't surprise me, I still wouldn't get anything out of this. If this thread is supposed to help other people figure out what "good" is, then it's failing miserably. If it's supposed to help us compare our definitions of "good", then we need to stop redefining other words to stand in for this mysterious 'good' word and just explain what aspects we think a vid needs to be good. By clearly defining each aspect, we can then explain how we think people can achieve those aspects in their own videos.
I was with the whole "surprise" thing when the word meant "the unexpected". It's not the only aspect I think a vid needs to be good, but an unexpected positive aspect is certainly a nice thing to have in a video and may help that video be good. But now that "surprise" means "anything that leads to something being good" I'm staring at the screen with a gaping fish mouth face. Too much philosophy and semantics and not enough plain speaking.
It's all good. You decide what that word means.