The Lip Flapper : Volume 26 - Kisanzi

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 26 - Kisanzi

Post by machina21 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:10 pm

Don't call it a comeback! |:>
After the concept, then it's just months of work. None of my videos until my most recent, took me less than a month of so to make. (And this was one month of editing at least a few hours every 3-4 days out of the week. ) But that's what FX work will do to you. It's all worth it in the end, but it's such a time sink that it can kill you're entire drive to edit sometimes. After finishing a video I used to be like "It's done. Get it on the Org and out of my sight." since the projects would take so long to create. But my philosophy on this has changed in my recent return to AMVs. I find that it is a great idea to sit on a finished video for at least a couple days before returning to it and making some final touches. It helps get you out of the "tunnel-vision mode" you slip into while making the video. This gives you the ability to see things that needed fixing that you may had missed during the long editing sessions that it took to initially make the video.
This, a thousand freaking times.

Excellent interview and it was nice to meet you and Yue at AX. :bear:
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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 26 - Kisanzi

Post by Radical_Yue » Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:11 am

I finally got to read his interview! I live with him and he wouldn't even show it to me :<

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@machina21 It was good to meet you too~! O: :bear:

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 26 - Kisanzi

Post by Castor Troy » Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:20 pm

Yue's name is purple now! :shock: :shock: :shock: :uhoh: :nose:
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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 26 - Kisanzi

Post by Radical_Yue » Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:56 pm

Castor Troy wrote:Yue's name is purple now! :shock: :shock: :shock: :uhoh: :nose:

Edit: Awww sad...not anymore :( Boring...

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 26 - Kisanzi

Post by Mamo! » Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:34 pm

Oh hi Nancy <3

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 26 - Kisanzi

Post by MimS » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:37 pm

Kisanzi's back x)
Nice interview

I don't agree with something : Pencilhead, Magic Pad and Auriga are perfect videos :awesome:
I would like to quote Jihaku but I wouldn't be honest haha

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 26 - Kisanzi

Post by GloryQuestor » Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:16 am

Great interview. Can't wait for the next one. :)
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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 26 - Kisanzi

Post by GuntherAMVs » Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:28 pm

Kisanzi wrote: Let's amp it up guys, let's bring the hobby even farther to new levels of awesomeness. I've seen some good stuff in my years away, but I'd like to see even more amazing stuff that ignites the fire of inspiration in the community. We need more videos that can grab the fanbase and blow their minds until they want to be AMV editors themselves. We needs more videos that other editors watch that make them want to push themselves to figure out new techniques and skills to ramp up their style. Let's see who can raise the bar for everyone else and innovate the hobby in new directions. I say this because speaking personally, nothing is more motivating and inspiring for me as an editor than to see an amazing video that captures my admiration and truly makes me appreciate the art of the hobby itself. These are all the same principals that made me want to start editing and push to improve as I got further into the hobby, so keep the trend alive. Gogogo!
This is a really nice paragraph ^w^. As a new editor to the Org, I keep hearing from older members about how it used to be. I'm not sure what it will be like 10 years from now, but I hope we can all have as much passion as you do for editing :3. I can tell by the way you talk about it that you really, really care~
Pushing the hobby and thinking outside the box are things I want to do more as an editor.
Thanks for the motivation, Kisanzi! You rock :D
*waves Kisanzi flag* :dino:


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