San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Winners Posted

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Izotoppu » Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:30 am

@Scarlet HBO & AXN pays around 2k-5k euros per trailer. (that's not good enough for you?)
And what I shared are not trailers :P (music videos just like amvs)

@Animated I don't give a ... wau! pam pam weaaau ... weaauuu ... waaahh! (I don't give a...)

First of all stop sucking meat balls (it's that a good grammar for ya ?) I'm not from states you idiot. Decode what I write.

I will not ever use fx in a stupid way that you guys did it in the last decade. (If I'm going to use them - but raw is what companies request more so raw will be)
You guys don't know how to edit without them. I said this before and repeated myself. And using some 1 click transitions and video fx don't make YOU an EDITOR! (or customise templates hah)
So if all of you wanna do is throw Boris and Sapphire filters over AMVS for the rest of your life, be my guest, Its your hobby.
You can see this parody - :P :P :P :P :P :P

Till now there was 2/3 dudes who said that my karas vid isn't so good. You guys don't have any experience to tell me that. Keith Carunida said it was awesome and it's from Hollywood. Editor around 30 years old. Check it with your own eyes you fools/haters -

Congrats on 1st place, man! Vid looks awesome!
KeithCarunida 3 months ago

Akross = MEH

"You are a true hacker and everything you say is right, anyone who thinks different will feel your wrath."

I'm not a hacker lmao. I use bots and I can mass flag your shit so easily with that and laugh so much on my desk.

"-.- Holywood = Awesomeness! Yeah sure!!"

Yes indeed. Jizz in your pants already ? You hate now that you can't edit with the big guys ? Pfff...


If I'm not wrong every convention has public choose and judge choose (well almost) If I wasn't right than this guy "Proz" could come to reply to me. But all I saw was silenzio stampa and that makes me a WINNER.

"You've posted random videos from other editors, but...what about some work from you?"

Take your head and smash it on a wall. Karas is not enough for you with what I participated at this contest ? And what I shared was to teach you guys wtf is pro editing. I see you didn't learn anything in this past 24 hours. Ok. Go back to your shitty editing with 1 click transitions and video fx that everyone can do it. (you guys don't have brains to evolve ?)

Don't come back to talk to me till you guys understand at least what pro editing is. You make a joke of yourselves. Who am I to tell you that ? A nobody... but with BRAINS. If some of you guys have that you will understand what I said here. The rest will rage on and on.

I'm too busy to come back and read your shits all over again so keep it up / izo ... & much much love for haters. :X
He simply walks into Mordor.

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Animated » Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:17 am

We should make this thread a sticky. Where is Godix when you need him.
/forum facepalm

Are these your arguments? You have a whole bunch of editors, more experienced than you on pretty much everything trying to calm you down, and the only thing you have to say is "omg noobs learn to pro-edit, I'm the best see for urselves or else I'll pawn u"?

This is why we can't have nice things. I even told you your video was good enough - still... :x

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by xSnowflakes » Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:29 am

I really didn't want to add fuel to the argument or anything, but I just wanted to add my two cents. Firstly I just want to make clear that I'm speaking for myself and I have no clue about any of the other editors on this site or around the world, but I don't edit because I want to be "pro", I edit because it's fun, it's hobby of mine and I feel happy when other people enjoy my work. Sure I've always had the feeling of wanting to improve and refine my editing but I think that is an entirely different thing. I've never been obsessed with the idea of becoming a pro editor. So if you make the claim that I'm not "pro" or anything of that sort, unfortunately it'll have no effect on me because I won't care.

Conforming to the standards of what companies and tv channels want in editing is simply enjoyable for me, and the same could be said for others who feel the same way. Therefore your editing ideals will differ from other editors like me. Other editors have more scope to experiment with fx and transitions, as they aren't forced to stick to the style of editing companies want to see. This does not mean that the other editors' way of editing is wrong, or ugly.

Izotoppu, though you do indeed have some standing and reputation and even if you do earn as much as you say you do, this does not give you the right to have such an elitist attitude and unfairly insult the winners of the AMV contest. You're misunderstanding this whole thing, I thought your video was pretty good. I thought ALL the entries were really good. From what I gather, I think the argument is stemming from your attitude towards the winners, not whether or not your video is well-edited or not. A show of good sportsmanship is all that was asked for. :)

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by xDreww » Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:51 am

Theres no point in reasoning with this guy. He has his own opinion in AMV editing. I seen his arguments on here and youtube with neverend. Izo you should take criticism not so seriously, and just accept what others might think of you're video. Nothing is perfect, don't act like a big shot and think your the best, because your not. Shouldn't need to argue about all this, in my eyes your KARAS video was just normal syncing without any real concept. But hey man! If you want to be an attention whore and act like your the best, and a "pro" giving out your personal opinions , PC specs, what you think about anime, flow while acting like a show off.(which most people don't really care.) Go ahead! Honestly...there's nothing to really hate on about you. :)

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by l33tmeatwad » Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:14 am

xDreww wrote:Theres no point in reasoning with this guy. He has his own opinion in AMV editing.
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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by AceD » Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:33 am

Animated wrote:the only thing you have to say is "omg noobs learn to pro-edit, I'm the best see for urselves or else I'll pawn u"?

That's how the pros roll

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by xDreww » Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:47 am

l33tmeatwad wrote:
xDreww wrote:Theres no point in reasoning with this guy. He has his own opinion in AMV editing.
I guess that was a joke towards me? lol If you have something to say just say it man. Don't use a stupid picture or smiley face. Don't compare me to izo xD

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by [key]Scarlet » Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:49 am

Izotoppu wrote:@Scarlet HBO & AXN pays around 2k-5k euros per trailer. (that's not good enough for you?)
And what I shared are not trailers :P (music videos just like amvs)
First of all, I strongly doubt that a TV Channel might take a little noob like you and give him 5k euros for making a trailer; and seeing how you edit, I guess that once you have finished your work they will send you at home with half of that money if you're lucky. Anyway I knew that they weren't trailers, I've said you that just to let you know the difference. AMVs are made by fans and some professional editors, those you call "pro editing" are videoclip (a completely different thing). So stop compare them because they are similar, but different.

However, if you think that AMVs suck why you make them and why you participate at AMV contests? Why don't you go away to your little hole forever? There's no reason to stay here criticizing us poor noobs who won't never be rich like you.

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by l33tmeatwad » Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:58 am

xDreww wrote:
l33tmeatwad wrote:
xDreww wrote:Theres no point in reasoning with this guy. He has his own opinion in AMV editing.
I guess that was a joke towards me? lol If you have something to say just say it man. Don't use a stupid picture or smiley face. Don't compare me to izo xD
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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by [madaraxD] » Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:59 am

Drama :ying:


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