I'll give it a check out tonight. I've been busy learning After Effects stuff since I decided to try and amp up my Graphics a bit after my last full AMV.FarmXD wrote:Now it feels frustrating because -As I spected anyway- there's not a
lot of people watching Sekai. Feels awful because I put a lot
of effort there.
They are all very rough, but to me, it feels like the world because IT'S AN AMAZING FEELING finally getting an effect you've wanted to know for so long done. I've avoided heavily using AE for awhile because I felt intimidated by it, scared of it and that I didn't have the patience. Now that I got over that fear, everything is slowly mending into place. It's gonna take time and effort, but it's not impossible as long as you put in the work. It feels like I'm finally getting somewhere with my editing after this 2-3 year break.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gemKz9R ... e=youtu.be