by fieliapm » Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:19 am
Hello, everyone, I'm Himawari (the nickname I use mostly), I also often use fielia (a character name from galgame) as my id, thus feel free to call me.
I am actually a programmer, but I also edit some AMV for singing in the anime song festival of my college club, with classmates in club.
Due to my programming background, I currently prefer to use only AviSynth for my AMV editing since I graduated, even if I used some visual editor before.
I'm new to this site.
I come here just because I found here are many anime lover, mostly are from outside of anime land - Japan (and some country near Japan).
And I wish I could meet some new cool friends! Not only discuss AMV editing tecnnique or sense, but also anime content.
I recently released some AMV since I use only AviSynth.
Because most of my AMV are for festival launched by my college club, and I'm not a pro editor as animation studio, I don't have enough chance to make AMV with music not from anime itself.
But I hope I can become much better at editing as cool people here.
If anyone wants to talk with me about anything, feel free to message me!