There are only 32 available slots for sign up. We must reach a minimum of 16 sign ups in order for the contest to happen. Please make sure you are able to abide by the schedule set in the rules before you agree to sign up.
Registration is on a first come, first serve basis so if you don't post in time then sadly you'll have to sit out until we run the contest again. This is a contest that can and will have you editing with different genres and styles of music. If you are not an editor that is not willing to possibly try something new and edit with a genre you've never used before/aren't the biggest fan of, then please choose to sit this one out. We want to have fun and it won't be fair to those who missed out on sign ups if there are lack of submissions because you think "that genre is lyke, sooo000 totes st00pid."
In order to officially register you must either post "Giraffe!!" or a picture of a giraffe.
1) Shui
2) Phlashbak
3) MentalTsui
4) Iron Solari
5) Anon is Omniscient
6) AngelDragoon
7) Rendakor
8) Janikachan
9) Nessephanie
10) Kagacie
11) Brad
12) Snowflakes1515
13) EllipseIris
14) slimed
15) NotReallyHere
16) Begi
17) Copycat_Revolver
18) blaksun
19) MouseBollocks
20) Lob0
21) sirenaim
22) hamstar138
23) sakuraslight
24) CristallFairy
25) ailynerie
26) TheInvisibleBlackxX
27) Mamo!
28) Ryvannis
29) chaosgod357
30) MinetChan
31) alchemymini
32) Drango