AMV rant

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Re: AMV rant

Post by Tsu! » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:47 pm

Sephirothskr wrote:My problem is: I mainly work with Attack On titan and Naruto as of late. Those two animes are VERY VERY difficult to find new episodes without a watermark in the corner of the tv provider. I am unable to enter 90% of contests because of it. Sometimes they don't care and they let me in anyways, but some are so strict it's ridiculous. So if any can't point me to the right con.. I'll sign up.
I agree with what others have said, but let me also say this... a few years back, I used Madoka Magica as source for a video. Shaft is a weird studio. They drastically changed the animation in scenes between the tv broadcast, net broadcast and dvd/bluray release. I literally couldn't remake the video with the nonwatermark footage because it would've drastically altered the flow and appearance of what I originally edited. So, I plead my case with a couple coordinators and they told me to edit out the watermark. Easy peasy. It does mean cropping or zooming, but at the end of the day, you won't get automatically dq'd and stand a chance of making it in. You have options.
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Re: AMV rant

Post by Sephirothskr » Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:47 pm

Thanks... I'm not trying to sound conceited, and I apologize if it sounded that way. For attack on titan however, I have yet to see unwatermarked footage as there have literally been no DVD's for it up until extremely recently. So I just feel that when you have an anime like that, it sort of feels almost as if it's like.. anime discrimination. I can understand Hatred for watermarks (And trust me, I looked everywhere before I eventually settled for the watermark) but I just think it's stupid if a certain anime does not have watermarkless footage that it's disqualified. I was not nominated in contests not because they were not good, but because they were disqualified for watermarks.

At times, I do branch off into different boundary zones, Such as my divinity and chaos video. Used a bunch of anime I've never even heard of/watched. Purely because I did not want to limit myself, and I do consider that video to be my greatest work. Never will I say I am the greatest at what I do, because I know that's not true. I look to others for inspiration and it is probably because of those people that I still continue what I do. I always will have room to grow, and I hope to one day have a foothold in the entertainment industry. I actually have a legit music video that's not anime that me and a few friends made. (Here) and I am the main character (Which wasn't my decision by the way XD, groups decision). I love being different and trying new things. Or hell, if I plan on making a video and I see that it's been done before, I do it anyways. I try to do the AMV a bit of justice. It really is sad when you see such great song ideas and editing just go to waste. (And I mean, 30 second long clips thrown together in a matter of minutes to a song) Through every video I'm going to try and improve. Giving up is not in my dictionary. I really appreciate the feedback. I'll always try to be better. And I'll always look at the last video I make and say "Sure I thought it was good, but I can do better." Thanks everyone. :) Means a lot to me I got a great community here to support me and give positive criticism.

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Re: AMV rant

Post by Sephirothskr » Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:53 pm

Sorry for double post, but I can't find edit anywhere, I meant to link my non-anime music video here

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Re: AMV rant

Post by Ileia » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:47 am

There's no "discrimination" involved, especially given that un-watermarked footage DOES exist. I've seen tons of Attack on Titan AMVs that don't have watermarks and even downloaded the series to edit with at one point and it didn't have watermarks. Like has already been mentioned, you're probably just not looking hard enough.
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Re: AMV rant

Post by slimed » Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:10 am

Sephirothskr wrote:For attack on titan however, I have yet to see unwatermarked footage as there have literally been no DVD's for it up until extremely recently. So I just feel that when you have an anime like that, it sort of feels almost as if it's like.. anime discrimination. I can understand Hatred for watermarks (And trust me, I looked everywhere before I eventually settled for the watermark) but I just think it's stupid if a certain anime does not have watermarkless footage that it's disqualified.
logo-less shingeki no kyojin encodes existed even as it was airing, as with many popular/recent titles. bd rips won't have logos, and horriblesubs/crunchyroll tv rips won't have logos. dvd is fairly outdated by now. not having watermarks is and always has been an accepted standard for cons.

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Re: AMV rant

Post by AceD » Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:14 am

Practically every anime has anime without logos nowadays. The airing of the first broadcast on a station like Tokyo MX will always have a logo, but after that there are usually reruns on different stations without any logos.

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Re: AMV rant

Post by Sephirothskr » Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:02 pm

Well, I DID look. Trust me. I can't exactly name sources because you know, against rules. But I can't stand settling for watermarks and I only do it as a last resort.

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Re: AMV rant

Post by ngsilver » Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:58 pm

Sephirothskr wrote:So if any can't point me to the right con.. I'll sign up.
If you're looking for a con that doesn't have any standards for it's contest, submit to Youmacon. At the very least your video will complete pretty much no matter what you send in.
As for winning, well, that's all based on the judges and the crop of entries from the current year.

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Re: AMV rant

Post by Sephirothskr » Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:51 pm

I have gotten into contests several times that claim "No watermarks" Which is sorta strange too. Haha

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Re: AMV rant

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:12 pm

Sephirothskr wrote:I have gotten into contests several times that claim "No watermarks" Which is sorta strange too. Haha
There are a few contests that crib their rules from other contests. They either don't have standards and can't be bothered to even follow their own rules (or can't afford to because they only get bottom-of-the-barrel submissions).
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