I wanted to use Clannad (and after story, I've seen like, half of clannad), love chunibyo and other delusions (Seen it all), K-on! (Haven't seen a lick of it.) Possibly utewarmono (I think thats how its spelled... haven't seen it either.) I want another idol anime, I was thinking beyond the boundary, (Which I have not seen either)
Those are my ideas for what I want in the video. Now, to save me some time... I'd like to ask the community if (With the exception of chunibyo) can you all tell me what are the best episodes with... dramatic scenes in these shows? Somethings that pops, or stands out from the rest, like dramatic camera pans, zoom ins, outs, scenery, something cool happening, etc. These are a bunch of shows I simply don't have time to watch but I'd like to make something out of because I love the style of their animation and their stories. So if you could tell me episode numbers for noteable things, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!