YouTube Mv's community (Coming together)

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
RhythmLove Mvs
Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:21 pm
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YouTube Mv's community (Coming together)

Post by RhythmLove Mvs » Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:59 pm

hi as far as you know I'm a nobody which isn't form the truth but I've been keeping my eye's open to the Amv/animation community for years now and I'm just now deciding to take action what I'm asking for is that we editors and animates if any come together on YouTube to help one another out I'm sure you are as up set as i am when you see a video that is 3 years old with 1 million views and a newer one that has way more edits and more skill but into it that was made more recently with only 10 if we come together we can turn this to to a career for everyone that wants to get involved I'm sure there are some of you that love amv editing as much as i do and don't just want this to just become a background hobby and have to settle for just some mundane job that'll ware you out over time and live you unsatisfied with your choice I'm not some guy trying to make to the top and I'm not going to tell you its going to be easy but if we don't try to fight for our place NOW then that all it will become is a hobby so please if your interested in trying to make this into something real please email me @ ill inform you as to what we can do and what part you can be as well


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