Another year another bunch of amazing videos! I want to thank all of our entrants for being awesome and making some kickass videos. There were some crazy challenges this year but you guys came out on top

This year's Quickening was responsible for a total of 107 new videos! Great job, everyone!

And now... the results....6 videos and only 1 first place winner....

First place goes to.....
With Kisanzi and Ileia in a tie for second/third place!
ZoroIttoryu wins $70 while I've combined the 2nd and 3rd place prizes (a total of $30) to split between Ileia and Kisanzi for their tie.
Pic4 took 4th, JadeCharm in 5th, and Koopiskeva in 6th.
Here are the Final Judging Comments.
And as for the Judge's Choice Award.....
"Gatsby" by Gorz
Congratulations again to all of our entrants! I'll be getting in contact with the winners via Org PM about their prizes.