AMV preview?
- Sephirothskr
- One Winged Angel
- Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:08 am
- Status: Making Stuff
AMV preview?
Not entirely sure if this is the right section... but I'm going to start uploading my videos to the site... but on other people's profiles I see "preview" next to the download button. How on earth do I get that? xD
- CrackTheSky
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- Joined: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:01 pm
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- Location: Chicago
Re: AMV preview?
Go to "Edit Profile", make sure the box entitled "Enable streaming features" is checked.
- Sephirothskr
- One Winged Angel
- Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:08 am
- Status: Making Stuff
Re: AMV preview?

- Sephirothskr
- One Winged Angel
- Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:08 am
- Status: Making Stuff
Re: AMV preview?
Bah I hate double posting, It is checked but when I go to my profile on my video, there is only a local and a direct button. One is to youtube, one is a download. Any idea why there is no preview button?
- CrackTheSky
- has trust issues
- Joined: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:01 pm
- Status: Maybe editing?
- Location: Chicago
Re: AMV preview?
From what I understand (and I could be wrong), if you uploaded the video to Local and THEN went back and allowed streaming, your video is added to a queue in the .org's system to be encoded for streaming. How long this will take, I have no idea. For myself, prior to about a year ago I hadn't allowed streaming for my videos, then I decided to go and check that box. It took months for the Previews to be added for each of my videos.
Not saying it's going to take that long for you, and I have no idea how the behind-the-scenes stuff actually works, but you may have to wait a few days at least before streaming is added. For all future videos you upload to Local though, streaming should be available right away.
...I think.
Not saying it's going to take that long for you, and I have no idea how the behind-the-scenes stuff actually works, but you may have to wait a few days at least before streaming is added. For all future videos you upload to Local though, streaming should be available right away.
...I think.
- Sephirothskr
- One Winged Angel
- Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:08 am
- Status: Making Stuff
Re: AMV preview?
The box was already checked when I went to go look
. So I guess I'll wait a few days.