Looking for very disturbing scenes

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Deranged Baboon
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Re: Looking for very disturbing scenes

Post by Bollocks » Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:39 pm

Really wish there was an edit button...

How could I have forgotten about the infamous head shot from the 1st episode of Angel Cop? That's probably the most detailed scene of gore in anime history.
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Re: Looking for very disturbing scenes

Post by lolligerjoj » Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:51 pm

Cyanna wrote:The second half of Garden of Sinners movie 5 caused me to loose some sleep due to the imagery.
Thanks for that! Got a bunch of useful footage.
MatthewRoy wrote:Barefoot Gen should have something similar to that image
Oh, thanks, wanted to watch that for ages and have it lying around, now I really got a reason to :D
CrackTheSky wrote:I really have no context to go off of other than slimed's video, but Shigurui might fit what you're looking for. There are a few scenes from The Animatrix that might work, specifically in the "The Second Renaissance" shorts. Dead Leaves has a lot of violence but it's really cartoony, so I'm not sure if it'd work with what you already have.
Oh yeah, I now already have a bunch of very useful scenes from Shigurui, thank you very much. Animatrix also proved to be relevant. Luckily I already had that on my hard drive.
And yeah, have seen it, but I'm probably not gonna use Dead Leaves.
UnluckyArtist wrote:That scene is also on the Fotns movie, which basically was the whole 200 ep series rolled in 2 hours. If you have to use the eps then it's probably in one of the first few episodes.
Aaand got it. Thank you so much!
MouseBollocks wrote:Oh god I can't wait to see what you do with scenes like this :D
I can't wait as well ;) But I'm really not good with expectations.
MouseBollocks wrote: Violence Jack is pretty famously graphic. It's got a supposedly pretty graphic cannibalism scene in it (regrettably I have not managed to watch it), as well as a lot of general gore (although it's apparently quite difficult to find the fully uncut version. Kite has some pretty extreme ultra-violence (and a number of rape scenes if you're watching the uncut version). Boah has a lot of face melting (although it may be too comic in effect for what you're looking for). Jin-Roh has a scene where a character is eaten by wolves. Genocyber also has a lot of scenes of mutilations. Basically, 80s and 90s OVAs are going to be your playground here.
MouseBollocks wrote:of course I immediately remember another one. The scene from the 1st episode of Haibane Renmei where the wing are growing out of Rakka's back is pretty unpleasant.
Wow thank you, all of these sound very promising.
And yes, I just recently thought about Haibane Renmei as well! I knew that there was something right in the beginning.
MouseBollocks wrote:Really wish there was an edit button...
Veeery yes.

Thanks to everyone posting up until now. If someone still has an idea, I'm always up for it!
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Re: Looking for very disturbing scenes

Post by AceD » Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:26 pm

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Re: Looking for very disturbing scenes

Post by MycathatesyouAMV » Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:54 pm

If you're willing to wait a bit, Kiseijuu (an anime coming out this fall) seems to be right up your ally based on the trailer and plot descriptions.

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