ADHD Editing

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Re: ADHD Editing

Post by JaddziaDax » Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:53 pm

I refuse to start another video until the last one is finished...
with this policy (with most of my videos) I've managed to only drop a single video...

However, there have been a couple times where I've worked on two videos at once....

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Re: ADHD Editing

Post by slimed » Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:47 pm

all the time. i continuously have video ideas so i'll drop and move on to the next if i lose interest with less than maybe ~60% finished, no matter the amount of work i put into it. i figure if i don't have motivation to continue a video and force myself to finish that it will be evident when watching the final result.

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Re: ADHD Editing

Post by Shui » Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:11 am

Sometimes during editing I feel that it just doesn't feel as right as I think it should and drop it.
The only things I finished up until now were non-serious vids and ICs. :|
Spoiler :
fucking stealing other poeples hard work and claiming it as your own, you guys should be ashemed

ppl fukin fuk spent years making those animes, blood sweat and spilt coffe stains drawing all day long just to get a title "animator: this GUY" and then those music ppl spend years learning to produce music, teams of so many hard working ppl just trying to get their stuff out there in the world then WHAT TEH FUK DO U GUYS DO? u fukin take the drawings, u fukin take the music, then u just slap it fukin together like its fukin nothing, then u make banners and og take credit for it fukin all like u fukin made shit goin amv contests actin liek ur teh fukin shit fukin sayin i amde this fukin liek if u fukin did fukin makin fukin the fukin fukin fukin fukin - MiyaDV (2014)

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Re: ADHD Editing

Post by Enigmo » Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:51 am

all youtube editors have this condition. 18 sec amvs ftw!
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Re: ADHD Editing

Post by Shui » Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:19 pm

>putting me into the same pot as youtubenoobs

ahh but my amvs are like 1 minute mostly :D
Spoiler :
fucking stealing other poeples hard work and claiming it as your own, you guys should be ashemed

ppl fukin fuk spent years making those animes, blood sweat and spilt coffe stains drawing all day long just to get a title "animator: this GUY" and then those music ppl spend years learning to produce music, teams of so many hard working ppl just trying to get their stuff out there in the world then WHAT TEH FUK DO U GUYS DO? u fukin take the drawings, u fukin take the music, then u just slap it fukin together like its fukin nothing, then u make banners and og take credit for it fukin all like u fukin made shit goin amv contests actin liek ur teh fukin shit fukin sayin i amde this fukin liek if u fukin did fukin makin fukin the fukin fukin fukin fukin - MiyaDV (2014)


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