Vlad G Pohnert wrote:I think I have to agree, clamping down on the freshness rule a bit (6 - 8 months) seems to be the best happy medium I can see for now... I have had a 6 month freshness rules on several of my contests of my any years and I have had quite a few videos DQed for that reason. You do however have to stick to your rules on this one as a several contestants did not even know about the rule, and then there were those that argued with me, for example, that their YouTube posting date was wrong!
AND a selected few have argued that they had such a small amount of hits on their video so did consider it to be publically available (really?).. So yea, some of the stories I have had are quite interesting, but the rule has worked on flushing out people that keep sending in stuff for 8+ months.
For Sakura-Con, the freshness rule will be 7.5 months as the deadline is early in the year and Nov & Dec are a write-off for a lot of editors in making new stuff so, yea you do need to be aware of the "off season or slow time too.
I guess I want to do something that will handle both ends of the spectrum... I am thinking 8 month (don't want to do 6 month as MTAC is in April) + 6 award max and anything within the past 12 months (no award limit) will go into a 2nd contest that will have the top 10 AMVs. I was thinking of showing the top 10 contest before the showing of the main AMV contest winners. Still just thinking it out and will be discussing with John Wendel who will be working with me this year...