So with the few AMVs I've made, one thing I've always had doubts about was "story boarding." I'm not sure if I'm planning out the ideas for my videos in the most efficient way (or even a good way at all.....) Now, I know everyone has their own styles and ways of doing things, but the point is hear is more to hear some ideas bounced around to see if I can come up with anything better than what I'm currently doing. I feel like the way I've story boarded has had a big effect on how my videos have come out, and changing things up has created some positive results so far. But I've hit a point where I'm not really sure what I can do differently, and also feel like I'm doing something not quite right. I tend to plan out the video as much as I can in my head and on note pad, scene by scene, but I can only get so detailed in planning. By the time I start getting scenes together, I have an idea of what I want at each part of the song. For example, from 2:30 to 2:35 I was an action scene of Goku. The problem this results in is that (since I like getting my clips using Virtual Dub) I have to go through each episode of a show looking for scenes that would work. For a 27 episode show like Gurren Lagann, it's not a big deal. But now I want to make a video using Hunter X Hunter, and to go through all the episodes will take some time. If that's what it takes, though, then I'll do it. I just wanted to make sure it's a reasonable thing to do, because it seems like there would be a better way.
For story-focused videos, I don't think there's a much of a problem, but I guess my real question is how to go about planning those insane action videos that don't really have a solid story to them, but just focus on sync and flow.
So how do you guys like to story board? How detailed do you get when you plan out a video? Do you know, before you start editing, what episodes you'll use? Or do you go through the whole series?
Sorry, this all seems like common sense stuff, but I fell like it's an area I need to improve in