Two new AMVs! For the first time in five damn years.

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Pie Row Maniac
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Two new AMVs! For the first time in five damn years.

Post by Pie Row Maniac » Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:16 am

Soooo, a bit of a lull there. :dino:

Been mostly editing live-action material, but finally got around to a whole new system. These are the results: a serious trailer-esque drama about adventure and stories, and a oh-so-silly action video I poofed out in a week. You can probably guess which is which based on the titles. :ying: Enjoy all!

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Gene Starwind 21122
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Re: Two new AMVs! For the first time in five damn years.

Post by Gene Starwind 21122 » Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:07 pm

First off welcome back! What is it with all the old editors coming back? It's like an addiction we can't get rid of.

I watched Relics and have to say that it's nice to see a video of this type. Something simple but soothing to watch. The only thing is the audio seemed to suffer. It had some crackling and was a little bit higher pitch then what I originally remember for this audio.

Anyways it's great to see you're back.

Gene Starwind 21122
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Re: Two new AMVs! For the first time in five damn years.

Post by Pie Row Maniac » Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:33 pm

Hey Gene! Thanks, it's nice to finally have some finished pieces to post on here for once.

Glad you dug Relics. (y) I was worried about the audio's crackling, but thought it was just my old speakers. :\ Nuts. Will have to test videos on other systems to be sure now.
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Re: Two new AMVs! For the first time in five damn years.

Post by dreamawake » Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:16 am


Hold onto your buts.

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Re: Two new AMVs! For the first time in five damn years.

Post by Castor Troy » Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:25 pm

I approve. :up: :bzz: :bzz2:
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