You know what's kinda annoying?

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You know what's kinda annoying?

Post by Dragonrider1227 » Thu May 14, 2015 1:38 am

When someone makes a really cool AMV, you want to compliment them on the AMV and maybe try to talk to them, but the video was made a while back and the editor has since then practically vanished from the internet. ... er_id=4808
For example, this guy made some amazing AMVs. Including at least one Astro Boy video and I'd love to tell him that but unfortunately, he hasn't logged on since 2014 it seems
I know. Them's the breaks of the internet but a guy can rant, can't he?

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Re: You know what's kinda annoying?

Post by seasons » Thu May 14, 2015 2:19 pm

A few months ago I sent a PM to an editor whose last AMV was made in 2008 and whose most recent log-in was like 5 years ago or something. Oh, and they made one of the AMVs in the all-time top 10 here, which I think is legitimately notable accomplishment considering how there's nearly 200K videos listed in the database. I got a reply from him/her about 2 weeks ago, which pretty much amounted to "Yup, I'm retired now, too busy for AMVs."

I dig through old videos all the time and I've probably sent at least a dozen or two PMs to different editors who haven't checked in for years. And even more to other editors who registered here, uploaded a video or two, and then just vanished. Once in a while they'll get back to you, assuming they're still using the same email that they registered here with, you never know unless you try.

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Re: You know what's kinda annoying?

Post by CrackTheSky » Fri May 15, 2015 10:14 am

Side note: WalterScott made awesome videos. Undiscovered Countries is a glorious piece of work, although it might not be to everyone's tastes. His Astro Boy Forever video is great as well.

But yeah, I know what you mean. Try PMing him anyway, you never know, he may randomly log on one day.

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Re: You know what's kinda annoying?

Post by Farlo » Sun May 17, 2015 1:10 am

I retired in 2005, came back in 2008 and made 3 videos, and then retired again until 2014. alot of the oldschoolers, come back from time to time, but most seem to be lurkers as i am.

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Re: You know what's kinda annoying?

Post by Radical_Yue » Sun May 17, 2015 2:21 pm

Farlo wrote:I retired in 2005, came back in 2008 and made 3 videos, and then retired again until 2014. alot of the oldschoolers, come back from time to time, but most seem to be lurkers as i am.
Who are you? Do you need directions to the guides? Welcome to the forum!

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Re: You know what's kinda annoying?

Post by Farlo » Sun May 17, 2015 3:20 pm

get off my lawn?

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Re: You know what's kinda annoying?

Post by Dragonrider1227 » Mon May 18, 2015 12:56 am

CrackTheSky wrote:Side note: WalterScott made awesome videos. Undiscovered Countries is a glorious piece of work, although it might not be to everyone's tastes. His Astro Boy Forever video is great as well.

But yeah, I know what you mean. Try PMing him anyway, you never know, he may randomly log on one day.
Yes I saw that. I also thought that was fantastic. Very different from what I usually see but that's a good thing here.

I did a while back. You're right. You never know


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