Starting my first AMV

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Starting my first AMV

Post by Artorias23 » Thu May 28, 2015 4:17 am

Hey guys so I have never done an AMV but ever since I saw this one ( I wanted to create one for someone special and I am looking for a song similar in that AMV (Safetysuit - Find a way). Also I would like some pointers and advice about this and I have seen and read alot of tutorials about sony vegas. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Starting my first AMV

Post by post-it » Fri May 29, 2015 2:29 pm

Vegas or Magix are about the same learning-curve.
As for the AMV you've chosen, it is a Visual Story being told with music added. Some people prefer to have the music first; there is no right nor wrong method.
Fading from scene to scene usually refers to past memories while Flashy scenes refer to Induced Trauma. Simple fades from one scene to another can share thoughts or similar experiences.

Keep it simple when your first starting-out. Set it aside for a few days and see if the Visual Edit works the way you wanted it work.
If it still works for you, then continue.
If it doesn't seem right then change it.
- in the end, it's your story and how you want it to look. Just remember that You are the one telling the story, idea and/or content. Show it to a friend and see if they grasp the meaning of what you have created; when they agree, then your ready to Make It Available To Everybody.

In a nut-shell, that's about it.

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Re: Starting my first AMV

Post by Artorias23 » Fri May 29, 2015 7:22 pm

Wow thanks that was actually really good advice. Right now, I more or less got it down (I think) and learned really quick how to use sony vegas pro. It would be kind've embarassing but yeah I will show it to a friend to see what I can improve on and what the video conveyed. Thanks again


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