to tear through the sky

Feedback on cataloged Anime Music Videos

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Kai Stromler
Joined: Fri Jul 12, 2002 9:35 am
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to tear through the sky

Post by Kai Stromler » Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:52 am

Tall poster is tall for effect, so spoilered to save unnecessary scrolling after the first time.
Spoiler :

This video, like the song, is about not giving up when life is being bullshit. This, I guess, makes it ironic that I "gave up" when I did, but it will take a vastly better AMV editor than I to stitch the last three minutes of this into the concept as presented here and not have it come out as absolute garbage. As a video, this is a little conventional, but eh, it is what it is.

Shin Hatsubai is a Premiere-free studio. Insomni-Ack is habitually worthless.
CHOPWORK - abominations of maceration
skywide, armspread : forward, upward
Coelem - Tenebral Presence single now freely available


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