What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

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What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

Post by Sephirothskr » Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:43 am

This sounds like blasphemy, but I don't watch much anime. I'm wanting to start a new video, but my source footage is starting to.. well, not match up with the times. And I would hate to use the same anime as I always do. Anyone mind throwing out some to me?

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Re: What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

Post by Mol » Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:52 am

Anything with fighting basically :P. Other stuff usually gets less, unless something good like visuals story /etc. Arslan senki is pretty decent from last ones if your into medieval mood : p, overlord seems interesting spin on yet another mmo, gangsta-name says it all... Maybe you should say in what topic/mood? xD.
Still better than that MMO.

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Re: What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

Post by Changelling » Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:42 pm

is it still funny to say boku no pico?

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Re: What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

Post by Sephirothskr » Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:35 pm

Changelling wrote:is it still funny to say boku no pico?

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Re: What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

Post by UnluckyArtist » Sun Oct 11, 2015 6:47 pm

Yeah no, but theres this new one called Drrragon BALL Z

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Re: What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

Post by The_McLaughlin » Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:47 pm

Gate is pretty good. So is Aoharu x Machinegun. I'm also really enjoying Charlotte as well but I've heard others don't like that one so much. Oh and Durararax2 is another one I'm watching right now, but I also really liked the first Durarara so if you didn't like that one you probably won't like Durararax2 or if you haven't seen the first one you'd probably very confused as to what was going on and which characters are who and how they're related to each other.

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Re: What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

Post by TnAdct1 » Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:35 am

In terms of action anime, the main title in recent years that I've been watching is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (especially the two seasons based on the Stardust Crusaders portion of the manga).

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Re: What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

Post by Rider4Z » Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:23 pm

You're asking what people are editing to so you can edit to the same thing? :uhoh:

I recommend going to the announcement thread - a good chunk of this year's AWA's videos have been posted and there's a variety of stuff among them.

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Re: What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

Post by Sephirothskr » Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:59 am

Rider4Z wrote:You're asking what people are editing to so you can edit to the same thing? :uhoh:

I recommend going to the announcement thread - a good chunk of this year's AWA's videos have been posted and there's a variety of stuff among them.
Not quite. I just want some shows named that aren't awful that I can work with. I'm tired of using the same footage over and over again and I don't wanna go get footage I know nothing about by looking the shows up and seeing what they're about, because they still might not be any good.

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Re: What are some good anime people are using nowadays?

Post by ngsilver » Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:31 am

I can't help with anything new because I also don't watch much anymore (at least if it's new,) but if it's pre-2005 I've got an extensive collection. The issue here is, without knowing what your looking for it's hard to recommend anything. After all, what is good is different for everyone and also different for each situation. Are you looking for things that would be good to make a video to? Or things that would just be good to watch? Then what kind of video? What kind of visuals are you looking for?


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