Old Sailor Moon AMVs

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Old Sailor Moon AMVs

Post by nyxity_lee » Fri Mar 11, 2016 4:54 am

Going down memory lane, I've been searching for really old Sailor Moon AMVs lately. I've found a great deal of them to my great happiness, but there are three that still elude me... perhaps they are no longer on the net.

The first one was an Outer Senshi video set to the song Blue by Eiffel 65. I thought it was the most awesome video at the time, but I cannot remember where I saw it, if it was ever on this site, who made it, et cetera...

The second one is a Hotaru Tomoe centered video set to the song Cruel Summer by Ace of Base. Again, I cannot remember any more than that.

The third was a video that featured all the Sailor Senshi if I am not mistaken. Its song was Rhythm is a Dancer by Snap! All I remember distinctly is around the beginning of the video, when the singer is silent, were clips of Sailor Mercury performing her Shine Aqua Illusion from her special move "Ami's First Love" and Haruka riding her motorcycle in the episode where Makoto's Heart Crystal is the recent target of the Witches Five.

Do any of these sound familiar to anyone?

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Re: Old Sailor Moon AMVs

Post by ngsilver » Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:06 am

All 3 sound very familiar, but I will have to do some digging in my archives to see if I can find them.

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Re: Old Sailor Moon AMVs

Post by nyxity_lee » Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:21 pm

*Blinks* I hope you actually have them, then. I just remember thinking them as "awesome" as a kid and sort of wonder if I'll still think the same now... and just plain nostalgia. XD

Thanks for replying!

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Re: Old Sailor Moon AMVs

Post by post-it » Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:43 pm

I'm Blue was with Ami. Sailor Mercury.

Blue Summer was with Satern as a baby but, like you; I can't remember if that song was correct!?!

The last one doesn't ring a bell with me.

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Re: Old Sailor Moon AMVs

Post by nyxity_lee » Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:35 am

Nope, the Outer Senshi one was pretty old and might have come out even before Aluminum Studios did Blue Mercury. It featured all four Outers and I even remember an excellent timing to the beat with a clip where Pluto ends her transformation sequence.

The title wasn't Blue Summer. It was Cruel Summer. I think it was even titled "Hotaru's Cruel Summer". It had nothing to do with her time in baby form. I remember a clip used was from an episode where Hotaru thought a classmate called her name only to be mistaken.

The last one was very old too. I still remember the beginning though. It used footage of Mercury doing the Movie version her Shine Aqua Illusion (Edited to go with the instrumental beats) and as the instruments continued there was a scene of Haruka on her motorcycle... there had been another part using the SuperS power up Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus got from Pegasus during some of the instrumentals as well, now that it comes to me.

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Re: Old Sailor Moon AMVs

Post by post-it » Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:55 am

nyxity_lee wrote:Nope, the Outer Senshi one was pretty old and might have come out even before Aluminum Studios did Blue Mercury. It featured all four Outers and I even remember an excellent timing to the beat with a clip where Pluto ends her transformation sequence.
Yup, I could tell that I'm Blue Sailor Mercury was not it when I saw it. however, nothing else came to mind.
- sorry about that .... The era was of TOTO's Story Boards and about the time THIS ORG was gaining fame. Message Boards, MODs and Streamload.com files. I used to have quite the archives of stuff from those days including the IRC Programs needed to grab stuff from VCDhelp and tools from Doom9's two boards.
Yup, I now know exactly which AMV your looking for.

I'll keep hunting; I liked that one too.

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Re: Old Sailor Moon AMVs

Post by nyxity_lee » Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:09 pm

Thank you for your efforts. *Bows*


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