Imagery from certain audio/instruments?

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Imagery from certain audio/instruments?

Post by Tyrfalger » Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:05 am

Theres an interview with Christopher Tin who talked about Civ 6's Sogno di Volare motif and instrumentation with violins summoned the imagery of flight and that got me wondering if other people visualize/associate images with certain audio or instruments to build their AMVs (well, I do that at least). Such as steel drums associated with the Carribean/tropical resort type imagery and cymbals swelling invokes transitory imagery. I'm also looking for more music theory info on this but still haven't found much.
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Re: Imagery from certain audio/instruments?

Post by x_rex30 » Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:59 pm

I think the sound has emotions. I want to associate facial expressions with certain notes and instruments. I haven't experimented much with this yet in an editing program but when I imagine an amv while listening to music I definitely associate key images to key notes and sometimes to the emotion of the instrument. Sometimes the instrument is the vocals and I try to emotionally connect to that.


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