I'm wondering about loose editing but perfect scenes.

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I'm wondering about loose editing but perfect scenes.

Post by x_rex30 » Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:16 pm

I've seen a lot of videos that have loose editing but the scenes were perfect so IMO not bad. And when I say perfect, I mean it captures the mood perfectly on that part of the song.

I was wondering if loose editing on a seemingly good scene bothers anyone? Sometimes I want to use a scene but it's a little too short(or some other issue) so I put it in there anyway. For example this scene right here I really want to use in the amv but if I do it'll be a little loose. Not a tight fit.

Your thoughts?

Edit: After messing around with the project file in Vegas I have found I could definitely sync this a lot better. a lot of movement in the clip I can slow down to fit a lot better. Oh well kind of defeated my example(I'll keep it up and you can pretend that the clip can't get any better :wink: ). I'm still curious about clips that match the song but not a perfect fit(don't confuse perfect fit with perfect scene) because the clip is a little short or some other reason. Even if the creator was just being a little lazy or unobservant would it still make you not enjoy the AMV? Flor me it would matter if the whole video felt loose. If that clip was in my final draft, would you want to deduct points from my video(pretend there wasn't as much mouth movement, meaning it was probably the best I can do)?

Would you still like a video if there were a small amount of loose areas? Or would you even like a AMV if it had loose parts throughout but with perfect scenes?

I like partially and completely loose videos... mainly those nature videos to nice music... ok those aren't amvs but whatever they get as loose as it gets! lol... I said mainly.. I also enjoy the amv with loose editing. So what's your opinion?

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Re: I'm wondering about loose editing but perfect scenes.

Post by CrackTheSky » Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:58 pm

Some of my favorite videos are not those that have tight sync, but really strong mood sync (which I think is what you mean). Sync can take all different forms, and although the most obvious thing to do is to find beats or strong musical cues to sync to with cuts, effects, or internal motion, I think mood sync like this is just as important, if not 1,000x more so.

The example you provided, btw, looks great to my eyes, although it's hard to really tell as I don't have any context for how that scene fits into the larger narrative/structure of the video as a whole.

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Re: I'm wondering about loose editing but perfect scenes.

Post by Mol » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:51 am

It's ok. But i don't like sample much, could use some slght cam motion/pan. IMO whatever your vision is do it o;.
Still better than that MMO.

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Re: I'm wondering about loose editing but perfect scenes.

Post by Sephirothskr » Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:58 am

Don't forget, if a shot is too short or something like that, you can edit the shot in after effects and twixtor it to fit. That's actually what I did with that scene in the video you posted. IMO, 90℅ of my editing is loose, cuz most of the shows I've edited to I've never actually seen. (Most) now, depending on the video you might want to go for a more clear concise message. I'm going for that in my death note video right now. Loose editing works best in upbeat videos and action, not so much in drama videos. :)

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Re: I'm wondering about loose editing but perfect scenes.

Post by TnAdct1 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:54 am

On the clip itself: unless you want Hitagi to lip sync the song, you may want to work on the lip flaps during the 0:19-0:21 part, if possible.

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Re: I'm wondering about loose editing but perfect scenes.

Post by CrackTheSky » Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:32 am

Sephirothskr wrote:Loose editing works best in upbeat videos and action, not so much in drama videos. :)
Uhh...I guess this is all subjective but I 100% disagree with this statement. Upbeat and action videos benefit the most from tight sync, because they typically use beat-heavy songs. Ignoring that is going to make for really dull action videos (which rely on lots of movement and intensity, which IMO is best achieved by syncing to the strongest elements of a song, i.e. the beats). Same goes for upbeat/fun videos. A perfect example of an upbeat video that is way too loosely synced to be really effective, in my opinion, would be chibidani's No More Lost Time. This video as it is is good, but would be 10x better if it was faster and paid closer attention to the rhythm of the song.

Drama videos, on the other hand, tend to rely much more heavily on narrative structure which can really quickly get convoluted and confusing if the editor chooses to make a lot of cuts to all of the musical cues. It's entirely dependent on what the editor is trying to do, of course, but as a general rule I find loose sync to be much more acceptable in drama videos because I prefer to see the editor capturing the mood of a video in those cases, which is usually achieved not through any kind of tight sync but more through really good scene selection, irrespective of how the editor chooses to sync it. Tigirn's Stay With Us is a good example of this.

There's a fine balance, of course -- you can't ignore beat sync completely, but drama videos, more than any others, are much more receptive to loose sync, IMO.

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Re: I'm wondering about loose editing but perfect scenes.

Post by Sephirothskr » Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:58 pm

CrackTheSky wrote:
Sephirothskr wrote:Loose editing works best in upbeat videos and action, not so much in drama videos. :)
Uhh...I guess this is all subjective but I 100% disagree with this statement. Upbeat and action videos benefit the most from tight sync, because they typically use beat-heavy songs. Ignoring that is going to make for really dull action videos (which rely on lots of movement and intensity, which IMO is best achieved by syncing to the strongest elements of a song, i.e. the beats). Same goes for upbeat/fun videos. A perfect example of an upbeat video that is way too loosely synced to be really effective, in my opinion, would be chibidani's No More Lost Time. This video as it is is good, but would be 10x better if it was faster and paid closer attention to the rhythm of the song.

Drama videos, on the other hand, tend to rely much more heavily on narrative structure which can really quickly get convoluted and confusing if the editor chooses to make a lot of cuts to all of the musical cues. It's entirely dependent on what the editor is trying to do, of course, but as a general rule I find loose sync to be much more acceptable in drama videos because I prefer to see the editor capturing the mood of a video in those cases, which is usually achieved not through any kind of tight sync but more through really good scene selection, irrespective of how the editor chooses to sync it. Tigirn's Stay With Us is a good example of this.

There's a fine balance, of course -- you can't ignore beat sync completely, but drama videos, more than any others, are much more receptive to loose sync, IMO.

By loose editing I was more referring to throwing any kind of show in without context for the sake of a good scene rather than cuts and syncing. I agree with you on most of your points ;p


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