I was wondering if loose editing on a seemingly good scene bothers anyone? Sometimes I want to use a scene but it's a little too short(or some other issue) so I put it in there anyway. For example this scene right here I really want to use in the amv but if I do it'll be a little loose. Not a tight fit.
Your thoughts?
Edit: After messing around with the project file in Vegas I have found I could definitely sync this a lot better. a lot of movement in the clip I can slow down to fit a lot better. Oh well kind of defeated my example(I'll keep it up and you can pretend that the clip can't get any better

Would you still like a video if there were a small amount of loose areas? Or would you even like a AMV if it had loose parts throughout but with perfect scenes?
I like partially and completely loose videos... mainly those nature videos to nice music... ok those aren't amvs but whatever they get as loose as it gets! lol... I said mainly.. I also enjoy the amv with loose editing. So what's your opinion?