SENPAI!! Notice my AMV

Feedback on cataloged Anime Music Videos

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Please observe the following unique rules for this forum:
  • Please limit your new threads (not replies) to one per week. If you have several new videos to announce, create one thread for all the videos. (Note: if you forget one you can edit your post!)
  • Offsite links are allowed, but you are required to have a catalog entry for that video as well. Threads announcing videos that do not contain a catalog entry will be moved to the Awaiting Catalog Entry sub-forum and will be deleted in 2 weeks if an entry is not created.
  • When posting announcements, it is recommended that you include links to the catalog entries (using the video ID) in your post.
  • Videos that do not contain anime are allowed to be announced in the Other Videos section and are not required to have catalog entries.
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SENPAI!! Notice my AMV

Post by AnimeMusic247 » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:01 am

Hello everyone
I am a new AMV Editor. I just started creating AMV's from Jan 2017. But, there is always ONE question in my mind which I dont know how to get an answer of.
How will others find my AMV? Yep, I agree that I should not make AMV's for views. But, lets get real, if no one views my video how will I know if they are good or bad? if they need improvement or not? should i continue doing things the same way or should I try out something different? There are a lot of questions like that.
I don't want to share my AMV for view purpose. I want to share my AMV for self growth. Yep SELF GROWTH!!
And, there is only one thing blocking my path of self growth i.e., how is my target audience going to find me? Youtube dont help new creators that much, I have to do so much just to get some people to watch my videos. And, I am not saying that my videos are great and all, they are good and they also suck (well, still got lot to learn, will catch up someday).
Well, the thing is... everything comes down to one thing i.e., SENPAI!! Notice my AMV.

Please help, how to get more people to watch my video, cause all I really care about is comments, quality video and nothing else..
Here is a link to my video :

Be my judge, give me your feedback.

And, help me in finding an answer to this question. How to reach my target (AMV) audience ?

[added vidid and youtube embed - Kireblue]

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Re: SENPAI!! Notice my AMV

Post by Kireblue » Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:56 pm

Welcome to the Org! The rules of announcing videos in the "AMV Announcement forum" require you to catalog your video first. So please do that as soon as possible :D . If you don't know how, here is the FAQ post about it ... 2#p1546652

Until then, I'm going to move your thread to the “Awaiting Catalog Entry” forum. And I can move it back once I see that you've done it.

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Re: SENPAI!! Notice my AMV

Post by Kireblue » Mon Mar 13, 2017 11:48 am

just saw that you cataloged your vid, so I moved it back


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