MAL AMV Questionnaire

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Mr. Astros
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MAL AMV Questionnaire

Post by Mr. Astros » Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:56 am

Hello! \o

Call me Astros, the Mr. is a tag on. I'm here on official business of sorts. While not actually business nor official in any way of the sense I am here with a goal. I'm a writer from a club on MyAnimeList. MAL Articles to be exact, you likely haven't heard of it. But I'm here to get information on AMVs to write an article about their rise and subsequent importance to the industry and also the anime community as I see that as the larger affected of the two. If you could be so kind as to provide me with reference material regarding the history and evolution of AMV I would be grateful. My own searches have lead me to a few things but I feel I'd miss something if I only relied on that. I'd also like to ask if it would be all right to post a questionnaire here to gather opinions and showcase a general consensus among forum users regarding the topic. I'll of course make special mention to Animemusicvideos with any data I collect here or use for the article.

To give some background the article itself will be rather short, maybe 2,000 words maximum and is not guaranteed to get featured on the site. As I'm part of a club and not hired staff I will not be paid for it and so it will mostly be a thing of recreation. Starting today I have until the 14th of June to finish and submit it so will be working with a two week time frame. My experience with AMVs and writing is meager if I had to describe them together. Most AMV I've watched were in my spare moments on my own and I never really got into the community behind them nor the process of their creation. The latter is something I think could contribute to their importance among the community as much as their entertainment value and is something I'm interested to learn about. My writing, well, luckily there are editors who will send my article through a meat grinder before considering to publish it haha.

If you're still interested after all has been said and gauged it worth your time then I look forward to your reply and assistance ^-^. If not then thank you for your time and consideration.

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Re: MAL AMV Questionnaire

Post by Kireblue » Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:02 pm

Hello Astros. I moved your post to the General AMV forum to have more visibility

Here is a article that written a few years ago by AbsoluteDestiny that might be useful to you ... ew/365/293

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Re: MAL AMV Questionnaire

Post by Mr. Astros » Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:06 pm

kireblue wrote:Hello Astros. I moved your post to the General AMV forum to have more visibility

Here is a article that written a few years ago by AbsoluteDestiny that might be useful to you ... ew/365/293
Thank you. I stumbled upon that article earlier this morning but have yet to give it a thorough read.

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Re: MAL AMV Questionnaire

Post by Mr. Astros » Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:50 pm

Ahh, I should probably clarify that the questionnaire will not be until tomorrow. I wanted permission before I went about making one. It will be a tad different from the one I have in mind for MAL.

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Re: MAL AMV Questionnaire

Post by Mol » Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:05 pm

I think you will be fine looking in for posts or asking if you want an answer to something specific too. It's kind of a broad topic IMO so it might be fine to stick to something specific (genre, maybe?)
Still better than that MMO.

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Re: MAL AMV Questionnaire

Post by Mr. Astros » Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:37 pm

Mol wrote:I think you will be fine looking in for posts or asking if you want an answer to something specific too. It's kind of a broad topic IMO so it might be fine to stick to something specific (genre, maybe?)
Could you elaborate on the genre bit? The questionnaire was to help cover the broadness, hopefully. Though you make a good point, general questions can be answered in the meantime.

How do regard AMVs? Are they a source of entertainment? A form of creative expression? A hobby you share with others?

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Re: MAL AMV Questionnaire

Post by Mol » Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:08 am

As about genres i would say closest would be movies. They break up into variety of genres (dramatic,action etc.) I think if you feel like watching something VCA here or results from contests would show you general feel/look of those (tho there are plenty of multi-purpose amvs)

As for your other question for me it's generally love/hate relationship for me. Sometimes it feels great to put some idea together but sometimes it's slugfest : d, or annoying fail. Tho imo it can be fun while trying to make something with others, to watch (but i would says people have different tastes and there are people out there that don't like it) I would say enjoying amvs is also quite a bit bound to simply liking anime. i think it's usually first step to liking let's say you watched a cool anime and then you find an amv that gives it a different look or cool vibe. Probably to making amvs in most of cases too , otherwise it can feel dull i think.
Still better than that MMO.

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Re: MAL AMV Questionnaire

Post by Mr. Astros » Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:51 pm

Mol wrote:As about genres i would say closest would be movies. They break up into variety of genres (dramatic,action etc.) I think if you feel like watching something VCA here or results from contests would show you general feel/look of those (tho there are plenty of multi-purpose amvs)
I'll give those a look now that I have some time. Regarding genre, I was a bit confused on what you were implying last but I believe you meant to say it may be easier to look at the favorite genre of AMV and from that draw conclusions about the shift in popularity and its relation to the anime industry etc?

Mol wrote:As for your other question for me it's generally love/hate relationship for me. Sometimes it feels great to put some idea together but sometimes it's slugfest : d, or annoying fail. Tho imo it can be fun while trying to make something with others, to watch (but i would says people have different tastes and there are people out there that don't like it) I would say enjoying amvs is also quite a bit bound to simply liking anime. i think it's usually first step to liking let's say you watched a cool anime and then you find an amv that gives it a different look or cool vibe. Probably to making amvs in most of cases too , otherwise it can feel dull i think.
I see. Having read AbsoluteDestiny's article I share the opinion that AMV are an extension of the anime fandom, but I don't think it's strictly the case. I think it's also possible to start with an AMV fandom which extends to anime given time. That's a part of the argument I have for AMVs significance in relation to the anime industry, but more on that later. Here are my belated questions, I'll likely have more after further consideration.

1)What is your age?

2)Did you take up viewing anime after watching AMV or before?

3)Did you at one point find anime to watch via AMV? If so how long or how many titles?

4)When did you first watch an AMV? Do you remember the year it was?

5)Furthering question four, where did you see your first AMV? Con? Youtube? Other?

6)When was the peak of AMV history for you? Starting from 2001 to present day.

7)What do you believe contributed to your peak year of AMV if not personal preference? If personal preference what about the AMV appealed to you versus others? Was it a shift in AMV composition or something to do with the industry? Such as the anime airing that year?

8)Have you ever at one point given up viewing anime? If so did you continue to watch AMV? If you had to quit anime due to time constraints would you continue to view AMV?

9)What do you think of AMV parodies such as AMV Hell? Do you believe or know whether they had an influence on parody channels such as TFS(TeamFourStar)?

10)What's your opinion on Shelter and Me! Me! Me!?

11)While seeming off topic, are you familiar with anime ads? As in advertisements for anime via the net or television. Would you say they're common in the west or uncommon?

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Re: MAL AMV Questionnaire

Post by ngsilver » Mon Jun 05, 2017 2:19 pm

1)What is your age?
I'd have to do some math to come up with an actual number (the concept of age is actually kind of useless to me really,) but mid 30s...

2)Did you take up viewing anime after watching AMV or before?
AMVs came after anime, the reason I guess I'll explain later...

3)Did you at one point find anime to watch via AMV? If so how long or how many titles?
I've been turned onto anime from AMVs and AMVs from anime. Same goes for songs and musical artists. Can't say how much, I own and have seen so much...

4)When did you first watch an AMV? Do you remember the year it was?
1996 was when I first watched an AMV (least in the sense we discuss them.)

5)Furthering question four, where did you see your first AMV? Con? Youtube? Other?
I was browsing Sailor Moon and Sonic the Hedgehog fansites on the web back in the day. Found links to these small AMVs that were in .rm format (the only real viable web format at the time unless you literally wanted to spend all day downloading a video and not a few hours, yay dial-up) which were set to Sailor Moon USA music tracks and put to scenes of attack animations and transformation animations.

6)When was the peak of AMV history for you? Starting from 2001 to present day.
Only starting from 2001? Some would say AMVs peaked long before then... But honestly have we actually hit the peak yet? I mean, I think fondly of old videos from the 90s, 00s, and what not but every year people still make more and more awesome videos and the market is just more and more saturated with great talent and tons of videos. Saying we've hit the peak already is kind of selling the hobby short don't you think?

7)What do you believe contributed to your peak year of AMV if not personal preference? If personal preference what about the AMV appealed to you versus others? Was it a shift in AMV composition or something to do with the industry? Such as the anime airing that year?
See above...

8)Have you ever at one point given up viewing anime? If so did you continue to watch AMV? If you had to quit anime due to time constraints would you continue to view AMV?
Can't say I've actually stopped watching anime. But I pretty much stopped watching new anime back in 2012 or so. I still own tons of older stuff and buy new stuff as it comes out and do watch some shows depending on my tastes but I don't spend anywhere near as much time watching anime as I once did. I just don't have the time. I still love AMVs and constantly watch them whenever I have free moments or just play them in the background to listen to the music.

9)What do you think of AMV parodies such as AMV Hell? Do you believe or know whether they had an influence on parody channels such as TFS(TeamFourStar)?
AMV Hell is a parody? I'm not sure that word means what you think it means...

10)What's your opinion on Shelter and Me! Me! Me!?
Never saw Shelter but I saw the other one and I really don't have an opinion on the matter. It's basically an animated music video for a song. It isn't the first time this has happened (Ever heard of Daft Punk? Their Discovery album was fully animated, every track, as a story called Interstella 5555 and it is AWESOME) and I doubt it'll be the last.

11)While seeming off topic, are you familiar with anime ads? As in advertisements for anime via the net or television. Would you say they're common in the west or uncommon?
Can't say. I use ad block and basically don't pay attention to ads in the modern sense (I don't watch TV really either.) But back in the day with anime on VHS I always loved the previews that would be at the beginning and end of tapes showing off all the cool other titles that I could pick up.

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Re: MAL AMV Questionnaire

Post by Mr. Astros » Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:36 pm

ngsilver wrote:I've been turned onto anime from AMVs and AMVs from anime. Same goes for songs and musical artists. Can't say how much, I own and have seen so much...
I hadn't considered this, but I think it will be more than not the general opinion.
ngsilver wrote:I was browsing Sailor Moon and Sonic the Hedgehog fansites on the web back in the day. Found links to these small AMVs that were in .rm format (the only real viable web format at the time unless you literally wanted to spend all day downloading a video and not a few hours, yay dial-up) which were set to Sailor Moon USA music tracks and put to scenes of attack animations and transformation animations.
I only had dial-up for a short time. It will not be dearly missed. Where do you usually find AMV now a days? I would assume Youtube and this site, but trying to stay open to others.
ngsilver wrote:Only starting from 2001? Some would say AMVs peaked long before then... But honestly have we actually hit the peak yet? I mean, I think fondly of old videos from the 90s, 00s, and what not but every year people still make more and more awesome videos and the market is just more and more saturated with great talent and tons of videos. Saying we've hit the peak already is kind of selling the hobby short don't you think?
That's where AbsoluteDestiny's article left off. However I'd enjoy seeing more AMV from that time aside from the ones mentioned in his article.

I can't really say. I'm partially asking that question to get an answer myself. From reading around and talking with a few the general opinion is that interest in AMV has dropped and so has popularity. But I don't visit Cons and I haven't been a part of communities such as this one so I'm an outsider. I'll have to do more searching and reading before I can say for sure. But I'll keep in mind the possibility that the rise of AMV is still yet not over.
ngsilver wrote:I still love AMVs and constantly watch them whenever I have free moments or just play them in the background to listen to the music.
As do I.
ngsilver wrote:AMV Hell is a parody? I'm not sure that word means what you think it means...
Honestly, I phrased that sentence rather poorly. Syntax was never my strong suit sadly. It is definitely not a parody of AMV, but it consists of parodies about commercials, anime, and movies. That said it has taken on a genre for itself not being entirely parody and largely only comedy.
ngsilver wrote:Never saw Shelter but I saw the other one and I really don't have an opinion on the matter. It's basically an animated music video for a song. It isn't the first time this has happened (Ever heard of Daft Punk? Their Discovery album was fully animated, every track, as a story called Interstella 5555 and it is AWESOME) and I doubt it'll be the last.
Oh yes, I am aware of Interstella 5555. It is a good album and one which I likely don't listen/watch enough. I was mostly trying to pick an AMV that was produced outside fan culture and in recent memory to touch on. Though, suppose it can be argued all AMV are a product of fan culture in some regard.


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