I have access to proper pro VHS edit gear that to the best of my research abilities likely cost about $25,000-$30,000 in the 1990's and I have about 75 anime VHS tapes (and I will be grabbing another 60 or so soon) so why don't I combine everything and make an anime AMV on 30K of edit gear like they did in the 90's?
So i'm going to take a Sony FXE-120 edit deck

Three Sony SVO VTRs (VCRs)

4-5 Sony 14" PVMs

A Videonices PowerScript character generator for subs and titles
(no photo, gray 1U box)
Special Effects Generator (don't know brand/model yet)
(No photo) Special Effects means spinning videos and fancy fades, remember this is the 90's
and some other gear
and make an AMV with it all.
Going into this I was looking around online to see if there was any videos about using the edit deck (I know people who used them professionally for years, but online guides would be cool) and I didn't see anything, I couldn't even find photos of a proper VCR edit station. So one thing I started wondering is if anybody would have any interest in me making a how to style video or some other video about the hardware itself.
I've yet to decide on a song, or even an overall theme, but im only just starting, and while I would like to be able to finish this by the end of summer I don't know if I will. Remember this is not digital editing, every time I want to use a diffrent clip I will need to potentially need to switch VHS tapes, and then find the right spot by fast forwarding/rewinding the tape. If I want to move a clip over a few seconds I need to record it to a diffrent tape, blank the first tape, the copy it back over. Plus all of this is real time. With digital editing you can drag a 45 minute clip to the timeline and it is there, with analog editing that will take 45 minutes to add to the 'timeline' VHS. Most of all is i've never used an analog edit system before.
Anyway, i'm going to be kinda busy the next 1-2 weeks so I don't think I will have the gear for 2-3 weeks or more, but this WILL happen.
Any thoughts or comments? Ask away!