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Post by SSJVegita0609 » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:28 pm

OmniStrata wrote: [sadly, Christianity and derivatives thereof is the only religion that actively goes out "hunting" for converts...]
:? Not really. In fact its commen among all religions to go out and hunt for converts. I could be specific, but there's really no need because its a common fact of human nature that when you believe something to be right, you immediately want others to believe the same.
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Post by Mroni » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:30 pm

As far as god goes..... I am agnostic deist I am not sure if God exists but if he does he dosen't directly influence what ever happens here. And I don't see how god relates to a space shuttle blowing up when it was a mechanical failure. I didn't see a thunderbolt come from the sky and strike it dead.

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Post by kthulhu » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:42 pm

Yes, Mroni, go along with what the Christian Fascist Dictatorships Of Neo Nazi-America government says. John Hitlercroft prayed to his God and then told NASA to press the self destruct button to make the "stealing money from Third World kids' mouths" shuttle blow up because there were Jews and brown people and womyn on board.
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Post by kthulhu » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:43 pm

And don't forget about the lack of coverage or representation of homeless queer minority youth issues in all the news about the Shuttle!

Where oh where is the representation of homeless queer minority youth?
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Post by Mroni » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:44 pm

Yes that's what happened sorry!

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Post by RadicalEd0 » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:50 pm


I forgot one monumental thing to mention: karma
I think it fits in with the theme of this thread pretty well. Karma is basically a universal balancer. Not a deity or specific intelligence, just a force operating to keep all energies in check. Retaining the yin and the yang of this existance.

Breaking from karma for a second, the judgmental nature of death and the idea of your sins or good acts getting you into heaven vs hell comes from a very scientific and factual natural phenomenon of Akasa, the astral, the plane just above our physical.

(Oh yeah, if you've been following you'll see the sephirothic system is about these differentiated existances and states of consciousness. Kether, crown, being the plane of pure spirit, Malkuth, at the very bottom of the chart, being the physical, the material and so on and so forth. The jewish kabalah is great in meaning, although it takes everything from the eastern kabalah and ancient texts and makes it phallic or otherwise related to sex :\ silly jews)

ugh, a nested digression, I apoligise. Back to the idea of being punished after death for your sins.
According to my learnings: at death the astral body (and all higher subtle bodies within) becomes completely separated from the physical, and of course the physical becomes a dead shell of the vehicle for this plane that it was. Since the astral, and its base element ether, are sensitive to thought energies (everything in the astral is thought), as you live your life you propagate your ether with the vibrations and natures of your actions and thoughts. If you go around raping children or murdering hatefully you're going to be a giant glob of astral mud, the low physical desires and otherwise negative emotions tie you to low vibrations and fill your astral self with coarse matter. On the other hand, you go around being well natured, loving, not ruled by animalistic desires and otherwise engaging high vibration thoughts you're going to be filled with finer, refined matter when you croak and are left travelling around in the astral. Obviously, if you're shrouded in etheric horseshit you're only going to be able to see and operate on the lower parts of the astral and otherwise intercept low vibrations and interact with coarse low matter. Hell. On the other hand, if you're not tied down vibration wise you're free to do whatever until your astral body fades away as it does after a time.
However, you arent trapped in the former hellish state forever. Without the physical body as an energetic anchor, the astral body is slowly 'dying' or being worn away as well. As the chunky layers of astral mud are worn away you are refined and 'ascend' at least from your point of view, again, until the astral fades and consciousness lapses into the next higher state.

Eventually you reach nirvana, review the previous life and benefit from its diverse experiences, and then go do the whole damn thing over again and again until you've overcome all the vices of the physical and can go on to become a god :\

Thats one explanation of the heaven/hell and judgement/punishment idealology that most religions carry with them today.
In the end, nobody judges your actions, you make your own concequences.

And finally back to karma, the balancer, karma is intertwined with fate and destiny and the like. On the small scale of individual man and his journey its what if you were a grade-A asshole last lifetime causes you to end up a homeless fat guy with aids and an IQ of 93 in the next. Its what when the intelligent forces who decided against creation caused them to be delayed so that while humans will be gods by the 7th round, theyll only be barely becoming human and of course will get shut out by the whole universe closing back up thing.

Thats the basics of it in condensed version :\
If you think I'm kidding, I've got a book about the creation of the universe thats 600 pages and a second volume about the origins of man thats 800 :\

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Post by KhayotiK » Wed Feb 05, 2003 8:41 pm

I'd really like to converse with some members in this thread about their views and some speculations that have been put up, but seeing as it will almost guarantee a flame war, I'll resist. Ignorance shines through on some of you though like a fat ass in a marathon. Know your shit before you "guarantee" anything. Even Ed cannot realistically prove his beliefs. Fyrt said it, along with others I'm sure, Religions believing in a God or higher being rely on faith. You cannot disprove faith nor can you believe that showing somebody your facts or speculations on why he should have been around more is going to take away faith if the believer truly believes in God. I can only recommend that you go out on your own and find your way. Ed, whom was shown something he found to be working, dove into it and accepted it, I have the utmost respect for that. I do not have respect for those who are willing to trash others on their beliefs, christian or not. I don't know how often I get haggled by Mormons or even just Baptists who tell me I need to get in touch with God, for there must be something wrong with my Satanist mind. I don't have any respect for those who would trash somebody's God/s because they don't find it to be real, so because one person doesn't find it right, does that make it any less important to somebody who lives by it?

God exists for me, I'm not going to be an ass about it and scream at everybody with different opinions and tell them they'll regret their abhorrid occultic ways, for the simple fact that I am not a belligerant fuckhead hell bent on proving how I must know it best and prove how I am better than all, and yet people do this, on both sides of religious arguments. :? I've seen respectable science-loving anti-religious people get more egotistical and self righteous than any Jehova's witness I have ever come in contact with. And yet for some reason, people tend to find that any God fearing person who has faith in their God must be an ignorant douche, out to prove everyone else wrong!

I'm just sick of seeing the hatred.
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Post by RadicalEd0 » Wed Feb 05, 2003 8:55 pm

KhayotiK wrote:Even Ed cannot realistically prove his beliefs.
well theres always the telekenesis psychic and astral projection thing >.>

/runs and hides in corner

oh yah omni take a pic of that tree and post it :O

anyways Khay I dont see any hate going around. As long as we keep it to civil discussion, which I know at least I and you will, it should be fine. If you have a question about any of my views feel free to ask, they arent really common knowledge in the west :\

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Post by KhayotiK » Wed Feb 05, 2003 9:12 pm

True dat Ed, I cannot argue against the telekenesis.

And I'm sure you and I would be able to hold a discussion easily, but I don't have much faith in some of the other less mature members.

GET IT, FAITH?!?!?! LMAO HAHA! Oh damn I'm cool..

Seriously though, I cannot see many people willing to listen to what others believe without wanting to disprove the whole thing on mere assumptions of their own beliefs. This is not a good thing IMO. Sure, it's good to BELIEVE in what you believe in, but it shouldn't be defended blindly. I'll see how this thread turns up before I go on much further, but I do indeed find your views interesting, Ed.
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Post by RadicalEd0 » Wed Feb 05, 2003 9:39 pm

lolo faith in a religion topic

I've got plenty of faith, faith in the self and the power of the individual soul ;p

tis sad you dont feel comfortable talking about it here. Feel free to PM me, hell explaining stuff to others sometimes helps me to understand it better myself.

And while you're bored
most of you probably wont take that seriously, but either way its pretty funny


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