selling AMVs?

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Post by zenmetsu » Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:19 am

geez, just a few minutes go by and i already get a topic reply notification in my inbox.

dokidoki, i'm sorry, i didn't know. come to think of it, i don't even know when fanime was.

zarxrax and dokidoki, i was hoping to make the point that the cost of the media doesn't factor into the rightness or wrongness of it. yes, it's easier to eat the cost of a cd than a dvd, but who says you have to use a dvd anyway? if you choose to use a dvd, then to my mind you should be prepared to eat the cost of it.

mistycaldwell, i was considering that the fact that money is changing hands as something that would make companies perceive the situation as a threat, even if it isn't really. if they see amvs as a threat, they might get their legal guns out. it is a source of worry, right?

i think i would have actually looked the other way myself had vic not advertised on stage, asking people to buy his dvds so he could pay for his room.

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Post by MistyCaldwell » Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:25 am

zenmetsu - oh, you are going to get a lot of replies. The forum has been absolutely parched for amv related topics as of late...

earthcurrent - That is a good analogy. You know why? Cause I kinda had that same situation at Ohayocon. I live relatively local so I drove and don't buy a lot from cons due to the highway robbery. But I did have some cash and at the AMV panel, Brad DeMoss had his dvds. They were a great deal too....but in the end....I ended up eating dinner at Easton with my cash. Lex Wexner won that round ^_^

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Post by Corran » Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:25 am

Perhaps at cons they should setup a booth that has computers with recording capabilities so artists can burn copies for those that provide cds for them to do so. Next to that booth should be a CD-R stand...

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Post by zenmetsu » Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:30 am

arugh, yes, profit is profit. selling at the cost of the media is one of those gray areas that we'll never agree on, but i guess my opinion is clear. and if the price is more than the cost of the media, i can't really find it in myself to forgive it or allow any justification.

mistycaldwell, you are quite right about the relation of the creator to the buyer. and yeah, i was trying to lean toward the "philosophical" aspect as you put it. maybe i should say i'm worried we're headed down a slippery slope?

earthcurrent, you raise interesting points i hadn't considered at all. and yes, the fact it was done at a con makes it that much more complicated.

it's late, i can't reply to everything now, need sleep...

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Post by RichLather » Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:37 am

I don't think AMVs are that great a threat to the domestic anime market.

The honchos certainly know AMVs exist, and while not entirely happy with their existence they also seem not ready to hunt us down in our castles with torches and rakes.

From my standpoint, I'm buying their product in order to have fun with my hobby. They get my cash and I get to be creative with something I fully acknowledge is not my work, but rather an interpretation of that work.

I don't have a problem with the sale of CD-Rs or home-burned DVDs if the only money changing hands is to cover the cost of the blank media. The whole grey area of charging more for wear-and-tear on the drives and time & effort is something I choose not to delve into.

However, that said, I am far more likely to eat the cost of a spindle of CD-Rs (which is not a great layout of cash anyway) and just give 'em away at the next big con I go to.

If I want to sell something, I'll buy a box or two of glowsticks and sell 'em outside the rave/dance.

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Post by NME » Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:38 am

I like blank media. It smells like a factory. And the pirated DVDs in the chinese stores in Richmond smell like a hongkong pressing facility. Thats so cool because you know, yeah. Laserdiscs are nice, but they're big, and they're not easy to hide in your pocket. Hiding Cd's in your pocket is fun because sometimes you can be like hey man i've got a cd in my pocket and then the guy is like, no you don't you liar then you fight to the death with packages of expired ham. I like ham. Ham is good. Eggs are better, but not as good as Goldfish crackers. i like pumpkins this mouse doesn't work very well. i think its the mousepad or lack thereof this just in, goldfish crackers are the shit. yes, you heard me, the shit. well you didn't hear this, you read it, unless you have some kind of text to speech program that reads it out in an annoying voice. Thats how I read animal farm, I downloaded a text file of it and had this annoying dos program read it out to me, while I laid on my bed with earphones on. God animal farm sucked. I hate you george orwell, thats not even his real name. What an ass, too scared to use his own name, ass. Purple Monkey Dishwasher.
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Post by EarthCurrent » Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:40 am

:P Dammit, NME, go to bed... :?

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Post by MistyCaldwell » Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:41 am

the topic was de-railed in a horrible twisted train wreck :lol: with eggs and ham on the side.

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Vlad G Pohnert
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Post by Vlad G Pohnert » Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:41 am

Actually, The act of charging just to recover the cost of the DVD is fine and I really don't have an ethical problem so long as NO extra money is being made. The only fear is that someone charges, say $8.00 and says it covers the cost of the media, etc when in fact it only costs them say $4.00 and they are making a$4.00 profit. I'm just worred that there may be a few dishonest people who may start to do that. I for one do have faith that we are all honest, but I'd really hate to find out otherwise or have the industry find out for us...



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