Anime Expo and why I hate you americans

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Post by Declan_Vee » Sun May 11, 2003 8:33 am

chaoticstormbringer wrote:well in other words I'm not travelling 20 hours going through nsw.
... Well it's only 11 hours on the train from Melbourne to Adelaide... and you could probably shave off a few of those and some money to, if you made a road-trip out of it and drove over.
chaoticstormbringer wrote:I hate melbourne, it is a whiny cold place
Melbourne is cold, but these 20-something degree days in the middle of May might suggest a hint of global warming or something.
chaoticstormbringer wrote:thirdly, YYou just can't beat an american animecon, i'm not sure if more than a quarter of our population know what anime is,
Beat an American animecon, yes it can be done. Didn't the build up of overpopulation and general crappiness of AX, make everyone stop and think. Maybe less is more?
chaoticstormbringer wrote:up a massive AVcon in Brisbane or Goldcoast
Uhh, AVcon is in Adelaide... big anime convention on the goldcoast? well Supanova (if you can call it a con) has just started an event up there... Big note. I will not endorse this con in any-way-shape-or-form, it just sucks that badly.
chaoticstormbringer wrote:Donations to the poor guy that needs money to build his own computer that can withstand the power to make great anime music videos
Thanks. Actually, if I can't get the money for a new PC within a month... the AMV seminar is pretty much up shit-creek. But you weren't referring to me were you?
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Post by Propyro » Sun May 11, 2003 9:50 am

[quote="kthulhu]I've expressed disdain for aspects of it, and I'll just as readily express disdain for stupid or disturbing instances of American culture ("freedom" fries, "Who Wants To Marry A Millionaire?", nu-meta', and Attorney General John Ashcroft come to mind).

i agree, plus i just loathe all "reality" TV ... who wants to be a miillionaire wasn't too bad .. at least you can try answering the questons with them ...

*looks at the rest of kthulhu and Kage's argument*

i can sum this up with one simple equation/song ... people = shit. No matter where you go you'll always find lots of ass holes, be it in real life or on the net, theres never going to be a shortage of human refuse posing as people.

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Post by Declan_Vee » Sun May 11, 2003 9:51 am

chaoticstormbringer wrote:Yes I hate americans out of envy because they get just about everything. I hate americans even more for editing the anime and putting in crappy translations. I hate americans for having stupid wrestling groups over in australia when an anime con could be a hell of a lot more productive.
LOL, This is actually funnier than it seems. Last year on the train trip to Melbourne for Manifest, there were 3 other events on that people could be going to...

1) Some big wrestling thing. Turned out most of the people on the train were going to this.
2) A Kylie concert. This was probably the second most popular reason to be going to Melbourne that weekend for.
3) A Pt. Adelaide Football game. More people on the train (5), were going to Manifest

I can still remember the shock on the stewardess' face... must have been the costumes.
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Post by Propyro » Sun May 11, 2003 10:01 am

Declan_Vee wrote:
chaoticstormbringer wrote:Yes I hate americans out of envy because they get just about everything. I hate americans even more for editing the anime and putting in crappy translations. I hate americans for having stupid wrestling groups over in australia when an anime con could be a hell of a lot more productive.
LOL, This is actually funnier than it seems. Last year on the train trip to Melbourne for Manifest, there were 3 other events on that people could be going to...

1) Some big wrestling thing. Turned out most of the people on the train were going to this.
was it real wresteling or was it the sports entertainment kind of wresteling thats plagued north america since ... ohh i'd say the late 80's and early 90's. Few things piss me off more then that shit. (i actualy wrestel, so seeing that stuff to me is almost a mockery of the sport)

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Post by kthulhu » Sun May 11, 2003 12:26 pm

"Pro" wrestling has been around in North America for decades (since, the 50s, at least). It really took off, though, as you mentioned, in the early 80s.
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Post by Propyro » Sun May 11, 2003 12:48 pm

kthulhu wrote:"Pro" wrestling has been around in North America for decades (since, the 50s, at least). It really took off, though, as you mentioned, in the early 80s.
yea i saw a documentry about it ... originaly it was real wresteling. But the part that i loathe and detest about wresteling is when it became like our present day WWE ... the flashy costumes and fake hitting ... all i see is a soap opera with lots of testosterone. Real wresteling on the other hand is lots of fun and dosn't hurt as much as smoe peopel think it dose ... 2 eyars of wresteling and the only thing i've hurt (in a match) was my pride ... well my head did bounce off my friends bony hip once and i was dizzy for about ... 20 minuites because of that ... but we were just practicing so that dosn't count.

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Post by SS5_Majin_Bebi » Tue May 13, 2003 7:07 pm


Well I'm a friend of chaoticstormbringer's , we do the same course at TAFE, and I have a rant about the lack of Australian Anime Conventions as well. Although, I just joined the Brisbane Anime Society the other day, saw a funny anime called Guu (not the full title, but thats what people call it) But anyway, yeah!! Brisbane doesnt get anime conventions, even though we have a fucking CONVENTION CENTRE!!! The lack of australian anime societies/conventions is due to the fact that its not recognised as anything more than cartoons ( :evil: ) over here. In fact, I posted something about that before.

But this convention you made a link to is in ADELAIDE!! thats 3 states away!! And our states are kinda big. How do you get a convention going though, whats the procedure, anyone know?

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Post by Mroni » Tue May 13, 2003 8:13 pm

Ok pbs trying to outdo regular American network programming with more "Intelligent" Shows has an english reality show on called Manor house it's every bit as retarded but morons that watch pbs probably don't know any better.

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Post by chaoticstormbringer » Tue May 13, 2003 8:35 pm

Yeah, well melbourne citizens are really up themselves. it's like those stupid posh rich pricks who spend million dollars at the melbourne cup. Adelaide Is also a very boring place as well.

Hail to SS5_Majin_Bebi there. Its true, it is recognised only as cartoons that the pathetic dubbers who absolutely butchered the anime and put in crappy translations. When people over here hear anime, they don't really know what it means, then you say its a japanese cartoon and straight away they are thinking, oh those kiddy programs like sailor moon and pokemon.

Hell Birch carrol and coyle, and hoytz (thinks that is how you say them, they are those major big line cinemas) refuses these anime movies onto their screen (only representing those with famous characters or what those multi-billion dollar movie companies like "paramount" and "20th century fox" and "WB"). I'm actually thankful for them independant cinemas that actually show those rejected by the big screens.

AAAAANYWAAAY enough of my rambling again

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Post by skanks » Tue May 13, 2003 11:01 pm

*Another Australian joins the frey*

The only reason I have to hate American's is what I call nigga rap.
(Oh my god thats so racist). Well it should be racists, those fucken bums running around in poweranger jump suits swearing and pretending to hold up liquire shops why talking trash because they can't sing for shit only popluar because they pretend they were on the bronx and use the word nigga excessivly then pretend to be concerned about racial predjudist when they know all to well the only reason they are there is because of their race.
Further more, America isn't the only one with their share of idiots, we have white kids running around in equaily appauling powerranger get up they were in deadly heat and swear and abuse each other and vandelise things to be 'cool'. But in my day we used to beat the shit out of these kids but thanks to American propanda (the media) they stupid shits believe its cool.

That, and how some American's think their so good kinda annoys me.

As for anime stuff in Australia, yeh it sucks trying to find stuff. I live on the West Coast so its even harder. However, I'm not obsessed with Japenese like 'some people'.
I love my home and to some small extent it's people. I have no illusions about the world protrayed in Anime is what it would be like in actualy Japan therefore even if I do enjoy the tv shows, i'm not about to pack my bags or anything.
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