The costume contest was great, tons of very well done outfits, one Yuna even sang the Japanese themesong to Final Fantasy 10, and she sounded amazing, she happened to with first prize btw.
The music video contest I was very disappointed in. I didn't enter because I had to have it on vhs and I don't have a converter, but I think I could have easily won(not saying that I'm great, they were all just that bad). There were only 2 that I thought were really on par with most of the people here, one Kenshin vid to crawling by Hoobastank and one DBZ(yes dbz but it was hilarous) to I Feel Super, don't remember the band.
Anyway, if you live in lower michigan this place is FREE and definately worth checking out. I got a really nice poster there for only $3 so things aren't over priced either.
If anyone else went I'd love to hear what you have to say as well!