How many people who hate DBZ have actually seen it uncut?

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Post by JustAnOrdinaryPanda » Thu Nov 28, 2002 10:26 pm

MAS PRODUCTIONS wrote:But if you took fighting out of DBZ what would you have, the occasional dry laugh that is about Mr Satan getting thrown into a wall. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about animes, I mean personally I dont care if you like DBZ but when noobs start screaming over how DBZ is the best anime they have ever seen, thousands of times, it does get pretty annoying you've got to admit that. Im really tired of this debate, from now on Im not going to click on anything DB related ever again, its a waste of time to argue over such a dull anime.
No one here is screaming about DBZ being the best ever or anything, its not about the fanbase, its about the anime. Fine, you don't like it, yet as VE said, there's no need to just slag it off as though people who do like it, whilst entitled to their own opinion, are wrong and inferior.
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Post by Aetherfukz » Fri Nov 29, 2002 5:38 am

Well, I don't think DBZ is THE anime or something, but IMHO it's kinda cool and funny. Sure, the plot is VERY repetitive and characters power up without any limit, but it's damn funny often (although DB was hell more funny). I didn't start Anime with DBZ, it all started with Evangelion for me... but I still like DBZ, they have real smooth fights and tecniques, yeah. Tha's all about it, just my 2 (euro)cent...

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Post by fungku » Fri Nov 29, 2002 8:40 am

I HATE DBZ :lol: I've only seen like three episodes. And that's enough for me to know I don't like it.

Give it a chance you say? Watch more, you say?

No. I don't like it. Period.

If you do, then good for you. :wink:

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Post by SSJVegita0609 » Fri Nov 29, 2002 11:40 am

DBZ is entertaining to me, thus I am a fan. I really don't care what other people think of the show. If you hate it, that's fine. I hated End of EVA, and that's fine. People are allowed to hate things, people are allowed to like things. ITS THEIR OWN OPINION DAMMIT! So, in conclusion, this coversation is both pointless and stupid. Let's end it.
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Post by LittleKefalos » Sun Jun 22, 2003 5:51 pm

Uhhh... about Berserk being predictable... I take that back, I meant the first half.

My friend pointed out this old post to me.


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Post by BishounenStalker » Sun Jun 22, 2003 7:01 pm

Hey Roz! Yet another necroposter who needs a good smiting!
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Post by dwchang » Mon Jun 23, 2003 12:33 pm

LittleKefalos wrote:Uhhh... about Berserk being predictable... I take that back, I meant the first half.

My friend pointed out this old post to me.

Wow that's a necropost if I ever saw one. A good 8 months late!

LittleKefalos a word of advice...check the date of the thread before posting. This was diiscussed over a half a year ago.

As for Rozard, he hasn't been on the forums a lot lately thus no pictures :(.
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Post by OmniStrata » Mon Jun 23, 2003 1:14 pm

bloodyfang wrote:there is still too much grunting and powering up in it. :P
The show's gay. It puts women down. All the "super" characters you hear about in DBZ are big UGLY men... :lol:

Now SHADOW SKILL, THAT'S a man's (women can love it too ^_^) fighting anime. Both men and women are badass, the show has a history that's quite detailed, and the martial arts in it are just royally DESIGNED for combat fans such as myself...

[btw, Elle is fuckin' HAWT sex0rs...]

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Post by [AV] ChOjIn 69 » Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:21 pm

El Banana wrote:You guys have to understand that DB started as a comedy. There really is no Distinction between DB and DBZ. Sure, it's not the greatest ahow out there, but it was always a fun watch to me. The only real flaw I can find is that the show was unnecessarily stretched out way too long. That's why I enjoyed the manga a lot more than I did the anime... not so many damn filler episodes.

There are many better animes out there, but DB is not such utter crap.
Yeah i gotta agree with that sentiment. This is comming from a guy who actually spent the time to watch ALL of DBZ, including ALL THE MOVIES, AND MANGA VOLUMES. Yes, thats right, ALL of it subtitled, or raw. There was a point in time where i actually possessed the master tapes of the part in the Majin Buu saga where the fusion between Vegita and Goku takes place in all of its laser disc ripped (DVDs weren't around back then), un-subbed raw japanese glory. Looking back on it, or what little i cant remeber since i have long since mentally repressed any memory of watching that god-forsaken excuse for an anime, i remember distinctly that at some point, even the fansubbers got so fed up with the entire series that they just stopped because of all the stupidity. Omni and I used to know this one dude who was a fansub distributer who actually had pretty much the entire series in VHS tape format, cool guy, for some guy who is a DBZ fanatic, still lives in his parents basement, and cant hold a steady job...(sorry dude its the truth). Anyways...getting back on topic, DBZ overall, is like one of those mindless hack and slash teen movies or one those idiotic summer movies (think that new american idol movie), or one of those "straight to video" deals. Its not the pinnacle of anime (in fact I think it needs its own category) by any streach of the imagination, but it does fulfill some sort of niche, just like pokemon and digimon fulfill a niche with impressionable children as sort of an "introductory anime" with its own bland, mass-marketed appeal which, in time these children will learn to out grow when they encounter, more complex and entertaining series and learn to adapt and grasp the utter complexity of Digi Charat or something.

Basically my view of DBZ is that its mindless entertainment for the undiscerning masses and cruel, unusual, unconstitutional unending torture for those who hate it.

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Post by Castor Troy » Mon Jun 23, 2003 6:01 pm

DBZ 4life. :D
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