)v(ajin Koji wrote:UncleMilo wrote:the Black Monarch wrote:Milo, milo, milo... when will you learn to stop watching Eva under the influence of LSD?
I don't have to justify myself to an idiot.
-Uncle Milo
Then justify yourself to those of us who are not idiots, unless you think we all are.
Sorry, Koji. I just am really getting fed up by Black Monarch. Since he didn't get the TV series, he thinks anyone who claims they did are liars and on drugs.
Anyway... most of my comments can be taken straight from the show.
All you have to do is watch it.
I rely on my human ability to reach conclusions based on the information provided. You know... if A is greater than B and B is greater than C, one can assume that A is greater than C even if no one actually tells you this.
Rei is a clone of Yui - This is explained in the show. Why do I need to prove it?
Rei is revealed as being linked with the Angels in the show. She even gives off a registration of being an Angel in the TV show. One can reach the conclusion that she's connected to Lilith. This becomes evident in the EoE movie (even though I don't care for the movie) when Lilith welcomes back Rei as Lilith absorbs Rei. - Since it's shown, why do I need to prove it?
Therefore, for Rei to be both these things, she is obviously a clone made up of material from Yui and Lilith. Simple deduction there.
Furthermore... it is my belief that Rei represents the 6th Sephira. This is because most of the religious material comes from the Khaballa. Since the 6th Sephira is symbolic for (among other things) the height of man touching the realm of divinity, it would make sense that Rei be partly human and partly angelic.
I don't know what else I need to prove... but it's all there in the show.
Black Monarch claims to be an expert on the show, but then accuses me of taking drugs because I thought the show was straight forward and that the movie was confusing... and his argument was that the TV show made no sense. So, if it made no sense to him, how can he claim to be an expert or that people who understood the show don't know what they're talking about?
Furthermore... I have always said that I'm not an EXPERT on the subject. That I have done a lot of discussing of this show with many people... People from ADV, people from Gainax, friends, and people who are better versed in the Khaballa then I am. I have used my own education in the language of film and my knowledge of philosophy and psychology to seek out my own answers.
I consider myself well versed in the show and anything I say is backed up by the information I have found in the show combined with knowledge related to the themes in the show. It still might be wrong, but I don't just pull things out of the air and make them up. I have genuine reasons for stating the things I do about the show and if I am given reason to question these things, I will reconsider my statements rather than jumping to name calling. Of course, if I'm confronted with name-calling, I will simply reply in kind as there's no point in even discussing the themes of EVA with that kind of a person.
I don't come to these boards often enough to maintain steady discussion and I always post how I am happy to discuss EVA via E-Mail as it makes discussion more possible.
For now, I'm done because I don't have the time to type anymore.
-Uncle Milo