[Sell me on...] Last Exile

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[Sell me on...] Last Exile

Post by ryuu_hime13 » Fri Apr 09, 2004 12:34 pm

Owing to the fact that the Archdiocese of Miami royally sucks and thought it'd be a great idea to give all Catholic schools in south florida spring break about 2 weeks later than all the OTHER schools, I went on Spring Break this week. I figured I'd finally get a chance to check out Last Exile on Tech TV. Of course, I've only seen one episode now, but I'm curious about the series.

I'm wondering, how many people have seen it? Anyone recommend it? Anyone totally hate it?

Also, I remember when last time someone posted one of these Sell Me On things there were people flaming the idea...I'd like to keep this thread on topic and free of flame wars, please. If you don't have anything worthwhile to say than don't say anything at all.

Thank you! :D
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Post by HeartbreakerByZep » Fri Apr 09, 2004 4:30 pm

Last Exile is good. That's all you need know. :D
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Post by bubblehead » Fri Apr 09, 2004 5:22 pm

Hmmm, I haven't seen much, but I don't really like it. I can say this, though: the music is pretty, and some of the english VAs are VERY familiar. I'm not sure, but one of them might also play Jet from Cowboy Bebop. (I checked on CrystalAcids.com, and yeah, he does).

It sort of leaves me without being emotionally impacted. I like to be uplifted, or worried, or something, either because it's funny or I care about the characters. In this case, for some reason, I wasn't.
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Post by Savia » Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:28 am

Last Exile sports gorgeous animation, solid characters, an interesting plot in a well-concieved fantasy world and has no real weak episodes- it is consistently above average. Well worth investing some time in.
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Post by ryuu_hime13 » Sat Apr 10, 2004 8:44 pm

Now I've seen TWO episodes. The animation is pretty good...all the CGI is interesting. But I don't know enough about the plot to decide if I really like it yet. What's up w/ the whole battle b/w the Silvana and the Urbanus? And why does that Alex Row guy look so much like Amon from WHR, dammit?
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Post by Skyshroud » Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:29 am

ryuu_hime13 wrote:Now I've seen TWO episodes. The animation is pretty good...all the CGI is interesting. But I don't know enough about the plot to decide if I really like it yet. What's up w/ the whole battle b/w the Silvana and the Urbanus? And why does that Alex Row guy look so much like Amon from WHR, dammit?
Yeah I know what you mean about the captain of the Slyvania he does look just like Amon. Even scarier connection though: they are both voiced (on the dub) by the same person, who also happens to voice Zelgadis off of The Slayers series (all 3 of them seem to have similar personality traits too)--Crispin Freeman! As far as the seires itself goes, its kind of strange, and odd at times, but its like almost nothing else out there, artful and in-depth, and very well done. I'd recommend it.

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Post by chabols » Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:33 am

Skyshroud wrote:
ryuu_hime13 wrote:Now I've seen TWO episodes. The animation is pretty good...all the CGI is interesting. But I don't know enough about the plot to decide if I really like it yet. What's up w/ the whole battle b/w the Silvana and the Urbanus? And why does that Alex Row guy look so much like Amon from WHR, dammit?
Yeah I know what you mean about the captain of the Slyvania he does look just like Amon. Even scarier connection though: they are both voiced (on the dub) by the same person, who also happens to voice Zelgadis off of The Slayers series (all 3 of them seem to have similar personality traits too)--Crispin Freeman! As far as the seires itself goes, its kind of strange, and odd at times, but its like almost nothing else out there, artful and in-depth, and very well done. I'd recommend it.
I knew i heard that voice before (crispin freeman) you know some day i am going to start to catolog all the voice actor of all animes i own

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Post by LaoTsu » Wed Apr 14, 2004 11:27 am

I would recomend Last Exile even though I've only been fortunate to catch the first four episodes. The animation is beautiful, as would be expected by Studio Gonzo, the main characters are well developed and enjoyable. But I think the setting is the most engaging of all. Its sort of like Tale Spin meets pod racing.
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Re: Boo-yeah

Post by Chiisai_Ryuujin » Wed Apr 14, 2004 12:57 pm

Yeah, but...
[quote="Spoiler"]The end was annoying. Poor Dios got completely ignored after he died... ;_;[quote]

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Post by generalhs » Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:27 pm

ryuu_hime13 wrote: What's up w/ the whole battle b/w the Silvana and the Urbanus?
Unfortunately, you need to see the episode before that one for it to makes sense. LE's similar to the old serials in that the plot of most episodes flows directly into the next (there's only a couple standalone episodes in the 26)

The basic plot is about Claus and Lavi, two messenger pilots who take on another pilot's dangerous mission after he's killed by the Guild (the "real" leaders of their world). Through this mission, they end up onboard the semi-mercenary battleship Sylvana and take part in a much larger conflict than the war between their country of Anatore and the northern Dusis fleet.

The plot is much more complex than that, but saying any more would be a spoiler.


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