is it against the rules? [too violent?]

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is it against the rules? [too violent?]

Post by fizzucker » Thu May 06, 2004 9:49 pm

is it OK if i use the anime footage from kill bill vol. 1? its really kool and i wanted 2 make a movie using it but it may be a bit 2 vulgar 4 standards....

and what song 2 use?

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Post by DDramone » Thu May 06, 2004 10:01 pm

yeah, i asked that question too (man i had a great idea, but i think i already told you bout it). might be a lil to gory. you have to get an indirect link.

personally, i think that if the org is gonna have a no tolerance ruleto violent AMV's then they should define "to violent." but im to lazy to suggest it.

also:i think this belongs in site help.

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Post by mudholestomper » Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm

huh. if this community dosnt like gratuitous violance then ill wager that the majority of it could not Chaos Studios rendidtion of "Get Down With the Sickness" involving the anime "Kite". pity
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Post by Brsrk » Fri May 07, 2004 10:20 pm

If an anime is VERY violent and you use parts where it has little or no violence, than it's OK. If it's questionable, then you need to ask an admin or a mod if it's too violent or not. In otherwords, if you think it's too violent, then don't put it up on the org, but that just depends on the persons definition of "violent".
Pwolf wrote:that music was way to "happy" for an anime as dramatic as the kenshin ova... your an evil evil person :P :up: Pwolf ... hp?v=87528

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Post by pen-pen2002 » Fri May 07, 2004 11:18 pm

mudholestomper wrote:huh. if this community dosnt like gratuitous violance then ill wager that the majority of it could not Chaos Studios rendidtion of "Get Down With the Sickness" involving the anime "Kite". pity
It's not the comunity, it's the server, probably has to do with legal agreements between phade and whoever hosts the site.

As far as the comunity goes, there's even a subset of AMV's known as HMV's, Hentai Movie Videos. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination....

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Post by mudholestomper » Mon May 10, 2004 3:22 pm

pen-pen2002 wrote:As far as the comunity goes, there's even a subset of AMV's known as HMV's, Hentai Movie Videos. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination....
yesss..... i had recently heard of those. tis a shame i dont know whare to find em. :wink:
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Post by rose4emily » Sat May 15, 2004 7:25 pm

I think the violence rule is a bit more relaxed than what the official declaration seem to suggest and, while I'm not a big fan of graphic violence myself, I've seen some AMVs that seem to have a fair share of it. I think the Hentai rule is probably more strictly enforced because there are much clearer lines surrounding it (like "is there nudity and characters doing blatently sexual things onscreen") as opposed to a subjective analysis of how much blood is let in the midst of some giant sword/gun/magical fireball battle.

Still, I think it'd be a good idea for you to make a draft of the video with all the clips you plan to use, find a temporary host for the thing (possibly me - you'd have to remind me, though), and send a PM to someone like Phade asking if one of the Mods would watch it and say whether you can put it up or not. That way, if they say "no" you haven't put too much time into it, if they say "yes" you can put it up with confidence, and if they don't say anything you can at least put it up with the defense that you gave them ample opportunity to tell you not to. Even if they don't answer, they might delete it later on, but I think that your having the courtesy to at least ask first would be good reason for them to not do anything else like banning you for stepping over the line.

I haven't yet seen either of the Kill Bill films (I know what I'll do this summer....), so I really can't say whether it'd lend itself to being more or less violent than some of the action vids based in various gory shounen anime (though it is a Terantino....), but I can say that good editing can make anything look less like a slasher flick (or any other type of flick, for that matter) than it really was. Can also make it look even worse, if that's you're intention. That's why there aren't any rules here for what type of anime you can use, just what type of amv you can post. If someone finds a way to make an innocent romance video using La Blue Girl and a home-brew remix of "Closer" from The Downward Spiral they should be congratulated on their phenominal editing ability and allowed to post their work regardless of where it came from. If someone manages to apply massave special effects to Azumanga Diaoh and a Simon and Garfunkle's "59th Street Bridge Song" ("Feelin' Groovy") to produce a hideous heintai/slasher video with blood, guts, and grossly innapropriate relations between Chiyo-chan and the cat that keeps biting Sakaki's finger they should not only be headed straight for hell, but also banned from the .org forever. It's all about the end product.

Come to think of it, I'm a little concerned myself that those terrible ideas even popped into my head, though greatly relieved that I can't actually imagine what they'd look like.

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Post by Chiisai_Ryuujin » Sun May 16, 2004 8:05 pm

rose4emily wrote:If someone finds a way to make an innocent romance video using La Blue Girl and a home-brew remix of "Closer" from The Downward Spiral they should be congratulated on their phenominal editing ability and allowed to post their work regardless of where it came from. If someone manages to apply massave special effects to Azumanga Diaoh and a Simon and Garfunkle's "59th Street Bridge Song" ("Feelin' Groovy") to produce a hideous heintai/slasher video with blood, guts, and grossly innapropriate relations between Chiyo-chan and the cat that keeps biting Sakaki's finger they should not only be headed straight for hell, but also banned from the .org forever. It's all about the end product.
...Shouldn't this be in AMV suggestions? Cool ideas, though.

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Post by rose4emily » Sun May 16, 2004 11:17 pm

ano...they were supposed to be examples of really stupid ideas to illustrate the extreme to which it is theoretically possible to make an amv in no way resemble its musical and anime conponents - but, then again, if you can pull them off...
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Post by Kalium » Sun May 16, 2004 11:23 pm

rose4emily wrote:ano...they were supposed to be examples of really stupid ideas to illustrate the extreme to which it is theoretically possible to make an amv in no way resemble its musical and anime conponents - but, then again, if you can pull them off...
Most of the ORG will, in order:
1) Call you sick and twisted
2) Love the videos.


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