Spreading Goodwill. Undertow's free Ops (with Rules)

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Spreading Goodwill. Undertow's free Ops (with Rules)

Post by Undertow » Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:52 am

Alright, i've been a frequent visitor of the free Op's topics, so i thought, might as well make my own to give back to those that have been so nice to me, and ofcourse to all others that like to have some Ops on their vids.

There are however some rules:

1. No Downloaded Footage. If you are serious about making AMVs, then atleast be serious enough to buy the footage you work with (and basically because most of the vids with downloaded footage suck)

2. show quality. However nice random vids are (and the AMV Hell vids are quite random and nice), randomness isn't something i'm rating on.

Alright, i think these are about the rules. nothing serious, nothing big, just basic stuff that i think most people here avoid anyway.

And if people like to Op me in return, that'll be nice, so here is my profile page: http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... _id=167909 and you can rate any vid you'd like (just not the top 2, Foxy Cowboy and Spicy McWolofwood Jig, there are new ones for those coming soon). Oping my vids won't make a real difference for you, and i won't Op people sooner because they Op'd my vids or anything. I think that is just fair for everyone (but i sure do like Ops)

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Post by TriGGiT » Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:56 am


ill be glad if you oped the second amv in my signature.

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Post by genestarwind21122 » Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:35 am

I would like it if you could op Fighting For Your Love. Here's the link:

http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=33238


Gene Starwind 21122

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Post by Undertow » Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:23 am

BDaWiD: Your Op is up, i hope you liked what i wrote in it. I'm not really that good at discribing my thought, (i'm doing this also to get a bit more used to writing) but i hope i didn't dissapoint you in it.

Gene, working on yours now

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Post by bob790 » Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:24 am

Since you're offering free ops, pick any of mine that catch your eye.

I'll op one of yours in a few days (I'm limited on the amount I can download in a day :cry: )

http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... _id=202190

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Post by Undertow » Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:01 am

Gene, yours is up, don't kill me for it (and i hope it doesn't affect your op on my vid in your topic.)

Bob790, downloading an AMV now, i'll see what it will be

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Re: Spreading Goodwill. Undertow's free Ops (with Rules)

Post by Ab-109 » Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:36 am

Undertow wrote: 1. No Downloaded Footage. If you are serious about making AMVs, then atleast be serious enough to buy the footage you work with (and basically because most of the vids with downloaded footage suck)
What if the anime you use isnt out to buy yet? :? What about if the video quality is pretty good eventho its downloaded? with that still be allright?

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Post by Suzuki_Akira » Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:47 am

Can you please op Requiem of Warmth? It's in my sig.

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Re: Spreading Goodwill. Undertow's free Ops (with Rules)

Post by Undertow » Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:51 am

Ab-109 wrote:
Undertow wrote: 1. No Downloaded Footage. If you are serious about making AMVs, then atleast be serious enough to buy the footage you work with (and basically because most of the vids with downloaded footage suck)
What if the anime you use isnt out to buy yet? :? What about if the video quality is pretty good eventho its downloaded? with that still be allright?
Well, i have a few ideas of vids that i want to make with series that aren't available yet, but i'm just waiting till they are. Or ordering them from Japan, where you can get them. So, still no, sorry. You'll have to wait till they are available, and then work with the DVDs, just the same way i do.

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Post by Brain-Carnival » Mon Jul 05, 2004 10:10 am

Link is in my sig!!


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