*inverse* wrote:
You're twisting what I said.
No, I'm really not actually.
I didn't say it wasn't an anime,
I said I don't consider it an anime for my own reasons.
Okay I'm confused, how is that NOT saying that you didn't think it wasn't an anime?
Unless you're trying to say that it IS an anime but YOU don't consider it as such...which really doesn't make ANY sense at all when you think about it.
I'm guessing it was made by an American company because of the style of the animation. I don't see how an assumption like that is the "absolute height of stereotypical racism".
Tell me something, do you think before you type or does it all just sorta splatter out on the screen like a bad case of the runs? I mean, let's REALLY look at what you said:
"I think it was made by an American company - I don't consider Teen Titans an anime."
Now WHERE do you say ANYTHING about STYLE in there? You say that you think it was made by an American company...and then in the SAME freakin sentence you say you don't consider it to be an anime. OBVIOUSLY your reasoning is that it was made by an American company, implying that a show made by an American company is not an anime (at least in your eyes).
All this shit now about style is all after the fact, hon. It's like Eminem says:
Cuz what you say is what you say
Say what you say how you say it whenever you sayin it
Just remember how you said it when you was sprayin it
So who you playin with huh huh huh huh?
No need to start a flame war here, kid.
I don't consider even a single person on the ENTIRE .org even worthy of my caliber when it comes to flaming. There can be no war with you, nor anyone here. And to put a fine point upon it, I'm not flaming you, I'm edifying you, there's a difference.
http://www.backwater-productions.net/_s ... yousay.mp3