Otohiko wrote:Sorry if I don't respond to the op right away, and get back that op I promised you for a bit, I've been a little dead in the reviewing/AMVing sense lately

(my mind is just sort of elsewhere right now)
No Problem man, i know the problem. I have it too sometimes, hence the lateness on the Ops here and there. I hope you liked the Op i gave you, and if you have questions about it, just PM me, i'm always ready to explain some of my views.
That goes for everyone i gave an Op to, just PM me, and i'll clear anything up that you thought was wrong with my Op.
For people that like to return Ops to me, those are always welcome, and i would greatly appreciate it if my FLCL vid was Op'ed (trying to get it into the Top 10%, altho i think that might not be possible, but still, would look nice), but any vid is good, always like to read feedback on the stuff i make.