Compared to making an AMV, wallpapers are VERY easy to make.
Here`s some of mine (mostly Naruto):
And God spoke unto the Chicken, and He said: "Thou shalt crosseth the road", and the Chicken did cross the road, and there was much rejoicing. My DeviantART profile
i made some long ago... well about may 2003.... but here they are *digs up files*
well, these arent the 2 i had in mind, i have some that are pretty decent backgrounds, their anime... but this will have to do for now... although not anime, their mine...
Here is a vegeta wallpaper and a kid buu wallpaper I made a while back.
Click on the images for the full versions.
Hey, it may be dragonball z, but these two are badasses. 8)
Member of Rei's "NemoSperry is a stupid noob-snob, cynic, unfounded-elitist, and overall hateful person that wouldn't know what constructive criticism is even if he was hit by a constructive brick" Club. Join Today!
BTW, I will have a better, smoother version of the Vegeta pic later if I can find it.
Also, I will have backgrounds from other animes.
Member of Rei's "NemoSperry is a stupid noob-snob, cynic, unfounded-elitist, and overall hateful person that wouldn't know what constructive criticism is even if he was hit by a constructive brick" Club. Join Today!
Member of Rei's "NemoSperry is a stupid noob-snob, cynic, unfounded-elitist, and overall hateful person that wouldn't know what constructive criticism is even if he was hit by a constructive brick" Club. Join Today!