New anime I created. Need help...

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Post by android21 » Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:19 am

OmniStrata wrote:I want to see what this guy can draw...

Ill have my drawings up shortley... (i hope)
if it kicks ass i like it.
if it gets someone else to kick ass for it i love it.:)

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Post by android21 » Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:14 am

Kay guys the photos are up... :D
if it kicks ass i like it.
if it gets someone else to kick ass for it i love it.:)

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Post by Blackwatch » Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:26 pm

Can i post my drawings there too?
Goku vs. Majin Buu eating contest who wins?

:shock: the winner will shock you..

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Post by android21 » Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:27 pm

if it kicks ass i like it.
if it gets someone else to kick ass for it i love it.:)

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Post by Blackwatch » Sat Sep 11, 2004 9:00 am

hey you said that this was your friends idea. why are you posting a thred instead of your friend? :?
Goku vs. Majin Buu eating contest who wins?

:shock: the winner will shock you..

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Post by android21 » Sat Sep 11, 2004 9:03 am

teegan is forbiddin from the internet.... too many virises.... too many crashes....
if it kicks ass i like it.
if it gets someone else to kick ass for it i love it.:)

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Post by Blackwatch » Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:46 pm

waht the hell kinda name is teegan.. she forgien? and by the way you anime lost popularity real quick... sorry man.
Goku vs. Majin Buu eating contest who wins?

:shock: the winner will shock you..

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Re: New anime I created. Need help...

Post by Zero Beat » Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:37 pm

android21 wrote:Me and my friends are working on a new anime called Star Eclipse. i need some tips on how to get it on the air or on how to make the storyline more "complex"^_^..

The story is about a girl named Miachuasha. She's the princess or star planet. Her life consists manly of going to school, blowing up said school, and fighting. One day she meets an old man in the woods who tells her that he is the first of three guardians she is to have. Each of them will train her in eaither Love, Corage, or Sprit. after her first guardian dies after teaching her about spirt she meets her second guardian named Chao(not a ploy on sonic.) He's the guardian of corage Miachuasha falls in love with him and marries him. While in the market one day they come across a sorceress named Mayen. Mayen has both a good and a dark side and sometimes is friends with miachuasha and some times isn't. that is the basic shell of the first season.

Can you guys give me some opinions? Or tell me how you think i can get this aired? :?
i like the story your quite the creative type but just stick to manga for now.

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Dude,... Android 21 got it all wrong! Look here's my version

Post by BlackStarSwitcher2008 » Sun Sep 26, 2004 12:28 pm

By the way, I'm her Friend,..I guess.
:? :) Okay, here's the storyline. *Summary* Yes, I can spell
Long ago, on Star Planet, there's a girl named, Miachuasha which she was born on the future year of 20789. <--Android 21 forgot that part, didn't she? :roll: Anyways, her mom and dad is named, Akira Comet and Kuro Evolution, which made Akira Comet to Akira Evolution. Yes, Miachuasha has 1 brother, and 2 sisters. Jet, is her brother which will know later..(don't worry about that part) and her big sister, Mystical which is about 2 years older than her, and Miachuasha got a baby sister, (in the future stories) named Katrinity,...
That's basically what my character's family is about.
Android 21's character, Mayen, is a sorceress. This is all I know about her. Mayen, when she was born on, (have no idea when). I know that she killed her family and villagers when she was maybe...5 years old. Ask Android 21, she'll know when she get's next week online at her dad's house. Okay, you already got to the part when my character, (Miachuasha) meets her character (Mayen) at some jewelry shop.
As for Miachuasha's problem, having her stupid androids afer her, the androids somehow get stronger everytime, Miachuasha gets stronger. This is what they mainly do:
:Make threats
:Try to kill Miachuasha
:Obey's Mayen everytime
:Do little chores and do Mayen's duties
:Mayen torture her androids if they are disobediant

Though, there's another problem
I already got 2 books set, Miachuasha-A kid story and Born 2-B wild
:idea: It's kind of juicy on Born 2-B Wild, because not only my character, (Miachuasha) is the won training to become a Star Warrior and does anything to stop evil from luring on Star Planet, (which is the threats from Mayen's Androids) she also gets a boy-friend. His name is Janidan D. Switcher, his planet is Sun Planet. His story is separate from the other stories.. tell yah later...
On the planet part? :o
The galaxy is called the Celestial Galaxy, and if you know this, there are 3 celestial symbols, Sun, Moon, Star. From what I've heard, Sun and Star are alike, but, the planet's are not. And there is an extra planet (not shown in the history of my book list) is called the Celestial Planet.
I just want to get this over with and done. I'll fix the stinkin signature. I was goofin around. And, as a 15 going on 16 year old, I've got my days.
Loves Demons, Love Anime.

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Post by ifihadaninja » Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:11 am

i think its stupid, creativity has left the planet to rot.....god that makes me sound like such and asshole. :evil:


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