in search of hot sexy girls in anime (no hentie stuff) whats an anime
that has some pretty sexy girls? i was in the screencaps section and i was also wondering if those were screenshots or the anime or what? well if you can help me out ide really appreciate it
prety much every anime that has a female character has that type of female character. the only two exceptions i can think of are now and then, akira, jin-roh and............. well actualy i can think of alot that arent "hot and sexy" . gah, just watch pokemon (im serios)
Tomo from GTO size DD at 14yrs old... (im probably wrong here been a while since i last watched it) But omg shes got big boobies and shes easy what more could you ask for.. (hehe im gonna get flamed for saying shes easy)
Her manager got her to pose nude.. you hear about it in one of the episodes.