New anime I created. Need help...

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Kajino Rei
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Post by Kajino Rei » Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:51 pm


:roll: Rock the cash, it's not worth it. :roll:
:twisted: Guide to how NOT to behave in the ORG

Resident "If you're stupid, I'll kill you" Katana Wielding Woman.

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Post by GaavTheDemonDragonKing » Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:38 pm

Rock the cash??? what does that mean??? also i think their are to many people just now joining this forum and each are worse then me, well at least most. I'm not alone anymore :D no wait just kidding im not with these lossers :D wait -_- I am not feeling myself right now O_o
If the army or navy ever looks upon heavens scenes, they would see that the streets are guarded by the United States Marines.

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Kajino Rei
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Post by Kajino Rei » Tue Oct 05, 2004 8:45 pm

Answering your question about "rock the cash" Gaav would be off-topic (not that I really care anyways).
And what do the goddamned stupid noobs have to do anything?

:roll: Rock the cash, kill the bastards. :roll:
:twisted: Guide to how NOT to behave in the ORG

Resident "If you're stupid, I'll kill you" Katana Wielding Woman.

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Coaxel Ethereal
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Post by Coaxel Ethereal » Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:05 pm

Rock the cash??? what does that mean??? also i think their are to many people just now joining this forum and each are worse then me, well at least most. I'm not alone anymore no wait just kidding im not with these lossers wait -_- I am not feeling myself right now O_o
its now safe to say logic has little to no effect on you.
By the way, I'm her Friend,..I guess.
Alright, I read all that (I’ll never forgive myself)
and in the pursuit of enlightening my fellow man, here is a suggestions. I once wrote a decent short and something that helped me out alot was to structure everything as facts, sort of like taking notes. Write down all the main characters with short auto biographies and other stats (age, sex, weight, height, appearance) then make a timeline, all the important dates and events. Then break it all down until you have a list of what they do on certain dates. This will give your work flow. It wont seem like a bunch of random facts throw into a post. If you can work it into something that looks like it took longer than 5 minutes to write up, people might take this more seriously. As to my personal ideas on this, start over. Think of this as a learning experience and start from scratch.

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Post by Otohiko » Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:14 pm

Duke MadThain wrote: Alright, I read all that (I’ll never forgive myself)
and in the pursuit of enlightening my fellow man, here is a suggestions. I once wrote a decent short and something that helped me out alot was to structure everything as facts, sort of like taking notes. Write down all the main characters with short auto biographies and other stats (age, sex, weight, height, appearance) then make a timeline, all the important dates and events. Then break it all down until you have a list of what they do on certain dates. This will give your work flow. It wont seem like a bunch of random facts throw into a post. If you can work it into something that looks like it took longer than 5 minutes to write up, people might take this more seriously. As to my personal ideas on this, start over. Think of this as a learning experience and start from scratch.
It's called a pilot, yea. I've done that myself for something recently; it can actually take a while, but it's a very good presentation and it's definitely something that helps people take you more seriously.

This is actually the primary reason I did those couple of drawings for you and promised to do a couple of more; I have no particular affinity for the story, but better to give it an acceptably-sufficient presentation to give it a chance of being taken seriously. As it stands now, it's not really the case. :roll:
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…

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Post by GaavTheDemonDragonKing » Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:43 am

everyone is dissin on me now, i didnt do anything. logic has little or no sense for me? i think your calling me stupid. and what does rock the cash mean??
If the army or navy ever looks upon heavens scenes, they would see that the streets are guarded by the United States Marines.

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Zero Beat
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Post by Zero Beat » Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:46 am

i don't know what it means but now isn't this necroposting?

and Blackstarswitcher#### needs to chill out and quit changeing good ideas and screwing them up.


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Post by GaavTheDemonDragonKing » Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:49 am

necroposting is when u go to the last page of this forum and just put up a reply from a topic that was from a year agao, ive done it before and they yelled at me : P THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN!!
If the army or navy ever looks upon heavens scenes, they would see that the streets are guarded by the United States Marines.

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Post by Zero Beat » Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:02 am

they were bitchin at me for going to the 4th page and replying to a topic. thats not necroposting now is it? :?


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Kajino Rei
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Post by Kajino Rei » Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:25 am

Actually it was Zero Beat...
Most topics in the 4th page have been dead for a time and should be left dead.
No one needs the "revival".
It's akin to the goddamned zombies, annoying.
Gaav, forget about "rock the cash and please stop the spam attack on threads.
Off-comment: Zero fcuking originality...
Truly couldn't read that "story", much to messy
Of what I DID read...needs work...a lot of it.

:roll: Rock the cash, stop the massive noob attack. :roll:
:twisted: Guide to how NOT to behave in the ORG

Resident "If you're stupid, I'll kill you" Katana Wielding Woman.


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