Animania Con Ja Nai XI Contest

Announcement & discussion of Anime Music Video contests
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Post by Pwolf » Sat Nov 06, 2004 6:13 pm

Wong wrote:yay contest day!


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Post by Wong » Sat Nov 06, 2004 6:16 pm

very curious as to how many people entered.....

and also when they expect results to be posted

NEW!!!NEW!!!NEW!!! MWG Productions NEW!!!NEW!!!NEW!!! ... hp?v=52950
AMVfreak wrote:Now, step outside of your room and take a step out into the real world for awhile, huh?

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Post by Pwolf » Sat Nov 06, 2004 6:17 pm

Wong wrote:very curious as to how many people entered.....

and also when they expect results to be posted

hehe... i wasn't gona say anything but, yea i wana know when the results are gona be posted... >.>

most likely see the results later tonight....


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Post by AMVfreak » Sat Nov 06, 2004 6:29 pm

Pwolf wrote:
Wong wrote:yay contest day!


Once again, good luck to anyone who entered!
Very exciting.
Lurid Enchantment - ICYCLOUD
urban suite - TRYTHIL
Expansion - RESK

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Post by Wong » Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:06 pm

Pwolf wrote:
Wong wrote:very curious as to how many people entered.....

and also when they expect results to be posted

hehe... i wasn't gona say anything but, yea i wana know when the results are gona be posted... >.>

most likely see the results later tonight....


heh....i am REALLY impatient...i wonder how late "later tonight" might be
NEW!!!NEW!!!NEW!!! MWG Productions NEW!!!NEW!!!NEW!!! ... hp?v=52950
AMVfreak wrote:Now, step outside of your room and take a step out into the real world for awhile, huh?

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Post by Wong » Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:03 am

ok...this is me right anticipation for results....or anything from you guys.

:( :? :| :x :| :evil: :| :D :| :!:

did i mention i was impatient? It just seems like for a one day con, that it should not be so hard to jot down winners and post them.....but thats just me..and i have no social life.
NEW!!!NEW!!!NEW!!! MWG Productions NEW!!!NEW!!!NEW!!! ... hp?v=52950
AMVfreak wrote:Now, step outside of your room and take a step out into the real world for awhile, huh?

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Post by Kalium » Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:06 am

OK, I have results.

It's been a long day, so I'll post the full list of submissions later, when I have more time/sanity.

For reference, there were a total of 27 submissions.

The plan was to do a best in each category, as judged by four judges and the audience (the audience counted as one judge, and in the case of a deadlock the audience got the win). Then, with the aid of an SPL meter (for measureing applause), we could pick the audience favorite.

Well, the winners are as follows:

Best Drama: Pwolf's "As the World Crashes Down", using various anime to Tesla's 'Heaven Nine Eleven'. (You can post it now, waffle)

Best Action: Joe-El's "Enter SandBOY".*

Best Comedy and Audience Favorite: Bad Martial Art's "What Lain Bought on eBay".

On a side note, the SPL meter maxed out on that video and also on Cowboy Andy's Universe of Whatever. It was a close toss-up.

Prizes will go out when I get them to send. That may be a week or two, as the t-shirts are being made.

*in the action category, the judges split. The was one vote for one video, two for another, and one and the audience for this one, thus the rule about a deadlock going to the audience was invoked. Drama and Comedy had clear majorities.

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Post by Brsrk » Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:11 am

There were some pretty good entries that were shown. Like Kalium mentioned, it was a long day, and them are the winners. Congrats to them!

/me eagerly awaits waffle's heaven nine eleven video...
Pwolf wrote:that music was way to "happy" for an anime as dramatic as the kenshin ova... your an evil evil person :P :up: Pwolf ... hp?v=87528

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Post by Pwolf » Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:14 am

uploading my video right now... has 6min left on it... look for it in my profile or the amv announcement forum soon >.>

Congrats to all... and wtg bma (your video rawks >.>)... :O


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Post by Wong » Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:15 am

YAY!! grats to all the winners!

am not dissapointed at all..since i submitted my first AMV

I should have waited till i finished my 5th(this one will knock your socks off folks...i promise!), but oh well!

Once again...grats to the winners!
NEW!!!NEW!!!NEW!!! MWG Productions NEW!!!NEW!!!NEW!!! ... hp?v=52950
AMVfreak wrote:Now, step outside of your room and take a step out into the real world for awhile, huh?


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